The first store of the day. But my dad was an explorer, a conqueror. I hope its been good. Theyre the bane of my existence. (turns back to the audience) I wasnt supposed to shout it. Okay, you want to hear about last night? Put graffiti on the walls. O my love! By: Jayla and Selene, Age 13, New South Wales, Australia Description: An astronaut gives a rather enlightening talk about space. A lot of people here today. Okay? He cant climb on his cat tower or practice jumping off the tower and landing on his feet. Someone named Jenny and another named Mrs. Switzer. I wonder and I wonder, and I know that you say its just my imagination. As if she were contemplating something. Now we act like it was your time or theres some greater plan but we all know that the truth is we let you kill yourself. Cmon brain, THINK! (Pause.) As soon as she saw me, she jumped. (Begins experiencing an emotional shift.) Indeed, this movie portrays a real situation and does it well. You are calling the flight attendant to call the police? Her character thinks that giving birth gives her rights over this tiny human being, (well played by Marc) when even children should be viewed as human beings with rights themselves. (pause) Mom, I will not wave at the camera, I have a reputation to uphold. And my job? They werent just any fair-well letters though. He would smash them on the counter and curse at her. The loud cars, big trucks, the constant noise surrounding me, the germs, the animals the people. All I really want today is to grab these chips, head to my room, and drown out the yelling from my parents room with the screams from Chainsaw Massacre #2, because believe it or not, that movie is slightly less terrifying than whats going on outside my bedroom door. I would start screaming too, until I saw the can of spaghetti sauce on the counter and realize it was a joke, and she would laugh so hard that she would fall down. Discover our featured content. They dont see the scales and claws that they show me. Come, come, look out this window here. Any time. Todays date is April 5th, 2040. I think the main reason I draw is that I feel lonely. And, if its a life you want at the end of this, go home. I messed with her head with, Im older I shoulda known better, I shoulda done better. Hello Officer (Holds up wallet and reads name. Its fascinating how my own family managed to ignore my existence for fourteen days. I dont really remember what is was about, probably something dumb, like her borrowing something and not returning it. OH! Ugh its turn, of course, its the turn Dolly. (pause) Samantha created this and I think its starting to drive her, wellcrazy. Last night, I had a dream. Okay back to the story. But the little girl everyone used to laugh at, and praise is gone now. All Ive got to do is go up there and perform it the way I know I can, the way Ive rehearsed it dozens of times in the mirror, and if I do that Ill be fine. How are you doing? For me its like something I want is sitting on a golden platter but I cant touch it. Plus, I still had two tickets with me! Gotta go! All I could see was your beautiful blue eyes, and I was thankful I have the same ones. (Sits up.) Bromden decides to vote with the men to watch the World Series on TV. Dad, I wish you could have seen it! The sun is as hot as ever during these summer days. The plot of "Losing Isaiah" is of course a little bit different, but it deals with the same emotional issue of having a child that you are raising ripped away from you to be with the biological parent. Third Place Winner! but his eyes- those gorgeous blue eyes of his- they were different now. Alex looks at me and is all, what ya scared?? So, I sold them for a little more than I paid, and by the end of the day I had made about double of what I had spent. Sarah? In the middle of my inspirational speech. Its you. It reminds me of Odessa. They didnt even buy the dead pet excuse. Oh for the love of-I didnt say sit down! Im not supposed to be talking to her. The monsters who hide curled up in a beautiful skin. Ye humans are bleedin thick! People yelled, screamed, argued. I just threw away a friendship after one mistake. Oh. (Consider ending the monologue here or continue through the end with Claudia taking responsibility.) (realizes something) Wait a minute. Rule #4 If I have company do not talk to them and go into the basement. Wait what? I couldnt believe I just got pulled into my mirror by my own reflection! Call me Mara, because the Almighty has sent me great sorrow. She knows the answers to everything. This baby is adopted by a white social worker, played by Jessica Lange. I wasnt gonna say anything before, because Im no marine biologist, but if she (gestures across) is gonna order that, Im gonna have to speak up. I stayed up all night reading classified documents. To me, its more of an art. You couldnt set your pride aside for two hours? Im happy I live here. If all goes well, and Im not killed immediately by accidentally coming in contact with a deadly space bacteria, or being scorched on the planets surface, my next entry will be tomorrow. It doesnt matter as much. (Turns across) Look, Im gonna be honest. Oh yes, my nose would finally be able to smell the sweet scent of roses. (Pause.) Yeah, well, Ive kind of been running away from them all. Gender: Female Genre: Comedic. You wouldve snapped too if your owner brought back one of those revolting creatures, also known as a B.A.B.Y. Jessie! Privacy Policy Its one thing to say but I need to believe it. But we have made it, and we stand here together, today, in defiance of the odds, in unity. He just wasnt the same person anymore. Here we go. And a girl named George. He wasnt even that nice-looking, anyway. So, whew. Blah blah blah blah I love to learn something, something, something I spend my summers attending contemporary art conferences in Europe okay okay, okay wheres the important stuff? Earl, son? What should I write about? You say it all the time. For the first time, I feel like there is going to be a good change in our lives. Pure genius and the self-sustaining ecosystems I would love to be around that kind of innovation. Sometimes, I wonder why people dont say it more. If I gave up even one of them up, would I give up my chances of winning? There were women screaming for their children. Sometimes I think THEY should be the ones going to therapy, not me. )Do you hear that? As she walked towards me her tears began to fade. Aside from the money. Butmaybe thats okay. Still do. I didnt know what to do! Funny question, you see I was a dancer. Ricky never really knew how to click with people quite like everyone else, I suppose. Im not kidding! Seth Margolis. HE WASNT NICE! Done. No, mom. I tried on the cutest things. I need something to take my mind off this paper in front of me. Tinas dog, Fizzy (played by an actor), has just returned from the afterlife. Most of the monologues about death on the list are about grief and how the character is dealing with loss. Come do the dishes! Why should I promise my loyalty to a country that isnt loyal to me? Especially since we hadnt paid attention. (stops pacing) Oh, I know! Im constantly blowing my money on repairs for my house, because its always rotting away. Borders closed? If you ever get to meet his family, you will love them! He strode in a swarm of fireflies. She explains what she saw down at the bridge on the lake. In this particular scene, Brutus is discussing his own betrayal of his friend Caesar. If I may, I recommend you get the beef wellington! Fine. Nothings happening. Most people dont take teenagers seriously. Ive never heard someone say sorry more than you have. That doesnt concern me! He interacts with so many girls, you never know who may be eyeing him. Here it is. You said someone stole your crocs? By: Sam M., California, USA, Age 17 Gender: Male Genre: Dramatic Description: A thief is interrogated by the police. Embarrassed? He would come home late at night, drunk, if he even came home at all. Like seriously, no wonder youre always so clingy, no offense. I know! But he aint gonna track me down. I mean, it says on the menu: warning: consumption of raw meat or poultry may cause food poisoning, but it doesnt say anything about consumption of food prepared by meat or poultry! But make sure that YOU dont ever call him that. Dont even get me started with the trial. Top of the ninth the no-hitter is still alive and crack!!! By: Abbey Sourov, Age 14, Seattle, Washington, USA Description: Sixteen-year-old Bianca is grieving and frustrated. NO! Unfortunately, the weird kid next to you saw you do it and now he wants a piece. Its kind of weird to tell a stranger my life story and pour out my feelings. The train burst quickly through the tunnel and I jumped! Not because I dont show it, but because they dont bother looking for it. Third Place Winner!By: Emma Morrill, Age 18, Michigan, USADescription: A girl addresses her bullying in a video she uploads for the world to see.Genre: Dramatic. Exhales to calm herself.) After about two minutes I was so mad I wanted to fire her right when she walked in the door. At lunch we had meatloaf, so I went hungry. I say it time and time again: This whole operation, this machine theyre running you through, it has no interest in you. Hed miss my game and apologize later. Isaiah had a rich life with the family before his biological mother, Khalia, located him and planned to sue for custody of him. Life has been rough, people at school are laughing and making fun of me, they say things like (in a funny accent) Youre so ugly or Wow where do you get your clothes, and it reminds me of when you used to stand up for me. I do tons of great things. A vacation. It was like he couldnt even see me anymore, couldnt hear me screaming for help. By: Alyssa Flowers, Age 14 Description: This person has been lying for so long they are not sure why want to stop. Look, I have loads of promising chemicals in my lab and Im even willing to test them on myself. Did you hear that? Just just leave. Im awake. I think Im going to turn to stone. The ending, as some other reviewers have said, is very wishy-washy. Stay up-to-date on all the latest Rotten Tomatoes news! Okay, Im walking until I get a clear signal. As the leader of the Union of the Order of the North Pole Elves, I stand here today and urge you to say no to Santa! Im his princessFOREVER. If students or adults want to perform these monologues on video, we may be interested in sharing the video performance on this page. But different does not always mean bad. No one will ever care. Its like how would I explain this to a simpleton? And there is certainly no way that I could have used the knife as she completed her double turn leading her offstage directly into a vegetable patterned cutting knife. Info. I wanted to be so thin, that I wanted my cheekbones to look like they were stabbing through my skin; or my ribs begging for more room to grow. I keep this planet growing with my own two hands. By: Olivia S., Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Age 14 Gender:Female Genre:Dramatic Description: A beauty pageant contestant questions whether or not to continue competing. Id give anything to trade bodies with them. Anyone? But now there are days where I feel that there is no light, and the darkness just fills up my thoughts. Im takin Trout. The second time I remember being hurt is when I was maybe 9 or so. Lifewe take it for granted, dont we? Death is one of the most commonly-used themes in any kind of literary or artistic work because we all experience it at one point or another. Dont you be pointing that thing at me! No, you dont. As my father took his last breath I cried, but I wasnt sad, I was angry. That maybe the world would be better off without me Now as I sit here next to your grave, I wonder will anyone miss me if I was gone? But it was all worth it! I guess its not all that surprising though, since I live in a pineapple under the sea. My friends. But here, right now, I could sell the tickets I had already bought and make a tidy little profit. I cry the appropriate amount at dramas. Takes time to pronounce correctly) Tu-ff-in. 9 "That's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot." Via Pinterest. Now, over there is my bed. I heard my dad once tell my mom that if there was a nuclear war, the only things left would be the cockroaches and Keith Richards, the skeleton-looking guy. I never wanted to marry him. Third Place Winner! Youre reading? Genre: Dramatic. Tiny icicles hanging from his eyebrows and beard. And I have thought about this for a long time Mom, so I hope you can be accepting. If you fought well, you were guaranteed a spot in the next one. Its required to have it on. how do I start this? Id toss and turn all night, afraid that one day it would take me! Third Place Winner! The book and the film itself was outstanding. Lange is solid, as always, and Halle Berry works hard at being convincing as a reformed junkie. Hahaha!! She was so still. Now, where was I? Yes, the breakup was fine. Adieu[Trails off], Second Place Winner! Fold a thousand. I took too long walkin the dog. Even when I lost ten pounds, or when the clothing was their style! Okay God, take me know. Ill bet youre sorry you asked. Im a little scared of the ocean now too. So why am I such a monster for smashing a frog that entered my home and crawled on my belongings. First Place Winner! It seemed like forever until I reached the surface and swam towards the shore. At the hospital, they said he wouldnt live, but he did, and now my mom has to stay home to take care of him. I wasn't asking, I was telling. As it turns out, the baby was spotted in the nick of time by sanitation workers and rushed to a hospital, where at the insistence of social worker Margaret Lewin (Jessica Lange) the baby's life was saved. I promise that my feelings wont be hurt if this doesnt work, but I have to try, okay? Realizing.) Were sisters. By: Derek Olsen, Age 11, Iowa, USA Description: The first person to visit Venus shares a video diary about his scientific mission and the challenges of bringing his cat along. People also taunt you by holding things above your head or putting them on a high shelf. Since the bears house, Ive stayed in some of the finest places in the world! During this extremely moving scene, the audience is at Shelbys funeral. Id bet you win, which sucks for me, but hey maybe Ill get second, which is in some ways better than first. As Tina holds the canister that contains his ashes, Fizzy lights a candle to prepare for his funeral. And put my eyeballs in thy vaulty brows. Genre: Dramatic. When Khaila's character tells her lawyer, "but I'm his mother" and insists on her "parental rights" it isn't even about color but about what is important about being a mother. Somebody who actually attempted should get the part. I was always just walking to get somewhere, never just to wander off into some cave and get bit by I dont even wanna know, or throw a rock over a seagulls head in order to get the piece of bagel it was going to steal from me, or have to drive around to the nearest beach to catch a bath before families started coming in and setting up their volleyball nets. Much braver than me, thats for sure. Rule #6 No crying allowed. By: Lauren Reese, Age 16, Austin TX, USA Description: A parent tries to get their crazy energetic kids to go to bed. I grabbed my lunch, and my dad yelled goodbye and just like always, he says, Dont do anything stupid. Its like my old mans motto, and normally, I dont listen. Mom had cut it straight across and dad said it should go on the diagonal. Third Place Winner! Where are you? Last night I googled stuff about psychologists. Yeah, Im in high school. What if people start throwing things; or worse, tell everybody about my performance, and how much I sucked. I am so excited! Youll have to live with that regret for the rest of your days. He had small children, she said. I just wish he wouldnt yell, andwell, other stuff. Yeah, theres all kinds of scuses for whippin me. Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic. Go find a dogs butt to sniff! Just six little seeds. A white-hot flash far away and everywhere, and my body in the air and then nothing. Was that normal for you Mom? Do you know? I know I`m young, I cant talk a lot of English, Pero yo entiendo, but I can understand it. In the freezer section, the flavors pretty much stick to their own kind. Peach isnt the only skin colour to exist, or maybe people just say its skin colour, because they think its the only one that looks good on their drawings. I decided to do it; what could go wrong? Everything. Next thing, shell think Im anorexic. This 10-digit number is your confirmation number. And in doing so, Ive wasted so much time and money. 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