will scorpio man always come back to a gemini woman

Im so glad I am not the only one who feels this way as I am a mature Gemini woman and I know exactly what I want and us being in a mental fantasy state is because we havent reached those depths with anyone to fulfill except with my Scorpio. Onetime she was drunk & said something like left him coz he made me fall in love with him. I fell in love with a Scorpio as a teenager and we stayed together on and off for about 3 years. He can tell how other people are feeling without them having to say a word. He told me he almost destroyed his life by slashing his wrist, not eating and taking drugs because he really loved the girl. The initial contact of Gemini woman and Scorpio man throws sparks and cause captivation. They are willing to take the time to make sure its worth their while, so if that works for you, then by all means consider yourself lucky. no horoscope can tell you what is ment to be. Even though Gemini men and Scorpio women love a good mystery, they love them for different reasons. Scorpios are stubborn, but theyre also flexible. I can understand where youre Scorpio is coming from and the fact that you were the one that reached out to him, and fixed things, showed him that you are mature enough to be in a deep relationship with him. While other signs might be unwilling to change anything about their partner or the relationship, Scorpio men are willing to do whatever it takes to make things work out smoothly. Says, Oh our connection with pisces/taurus is insanebut chases the gemini girl. This is one of the main reasons hes a Scorpio. Ive defused situations with my words of loyalty to him and we can only say such things to someone if we mean them. Mature scorpios instantly know it in the initial interactions that gemini females are scared of letting themselves completely surrender to the matters of the heart, but we ultimately respect those whore strong. He definitely loves you now that you have shown him that. Here are ten reasons why Scorpio men always come back. We Gemini tend to want to push buttons if only for the challenge! Well guess what, he cheated on me with someone younger. Even though Geminis may appear to move on quickly, taking chances and meeting new people, the fact of the matter is that it will take some time for them to come to terms with their emotions. Almost one year ago he declared his undying love for me. His stability, his firmness and self-discipline is irresistible for her. She was starting to like him and realized he doesnt like her. But for a Gemini woman, sex is just about having a physical and mental connection. Most of these ladies explaining themselves here about how so deep & emotional they are & yeah, I get what they mean, but still Why do u always keep running away from every goddamn thinggg?? Good for you that you showed him that you can work things out. After that he broke my heart but never answer his phone calls or anything . I really love my cousins & want them to be happy. I see the despair it cause him to turn me down. Love love love and get on with your real path to destiny honey! If u defend your so called #sign# as if it was your clan then thats the first point theyll see, meaning that theres some immaturity. I wish you well, I wish Id both well x. The Scorpio male has a quality of controlling himself, which may be needed to deal with a partner like her, who is quite moody and is ruled by her twin nature. We now have 3 children, 3 dogs and we will be celebrating 15 years of marriage this March. I agree with you that if you lose your scorpio you may never find that live again. When i confronted him about it he answered i fell out of love with you a long time ago (a gemini trait). I really doubt sags are made for us gems. We love what our Scorpio was before he was born and what he will return to after his death. Very hot & awesome mix. I dont know why, A gemini woman and a scorpio man. Geminis are sensitive people and they are caring. I feel like like im always waiting for him. Do you believe in love @ 1st sight? i blew it off needless to say, sex game is on point, and i normally find sex as a game of i WiN he appears to be pretty cool.. it tooo soon to see if well run off into the sunset together, but hes fun to be around and the energy is there thanks for the insite!!! I trust her fully, something Ive never really done in a relationship. He doesnt necessarily believe that there is a universal plan. So dont judge us when we tell you our deep side, instead give advice. We have been dealing with eachother for months(met on fathers day 2010). If u think emotions are a hurdle in logic, then learn to control them & not avoid them. And a Gemini woman is very indecisive, so she will waver back and forth on her commitment to a Scorpio man. Recently stated talking to a Scorpio which is a first for me and oh my he was intense in how he already wants to be my boyfriend and seem serious about it. They are loyal and truly want what the other person wants. @Isssh please dont bring all the people under same category just bcoz you had a bad experience with an unevolved Scorpio, probably bcoz of your own stupidity. When with them, you should be prepared for. I know that we have a long way to go and we dont know whats gonna happen next. She is a skilled speaker and writer, and she also uses technology and various social media platforms to make connections. He is very protective over me kind of like a father. Its one of the best things about themand why so many people are attracted to them. My point is that we are all looking for the right one. She was too scared to face her problems and ran away. It is very important for both the Scorpio man and Gemini woman to trust each other, if they want to be together in a perfect and harmonious relationship. It just felt so right As a few months went a long of just pretty much dating things starts to unravel. Im a Gemini who dated a scorpio and we only dated a couple months but we fell so hard for a each other. Despite Gemini is attracted to Scorpio in most cases, many claim their long-term relationship won't work. so i kissed her before she left into her friends house and i know she loved it cuz shes the one who went in for the kiss. As far as physical relationship is concerned in Scorpio compatibility, an intimate act for a male Scorpio is something to wonder about. I am a gemini but my venus is in taurus and says that im more sensuous and territorial of my lover due to it. So maybe you could help me out? That is why he feel that you are perfect and suitable for him. But remain who you are. It was all so perfect, we hadnt started dating as such, but I flipped & cut him off. It doesnt matter how slow things move with him, as long as hes there when unanticipated times come along. It can work, weve both evolved as people, learning from each other. you whore i hate you and hahahahahahahaha STOP telling people u played me when i was the one who sweet talked you into thinking i actually liked you and thaught you were beautiful ahaha i think you are fucken ugly and you grose me out and i never want to see you again and talking to you was a big mistake i hope you finally realize that and stop calling me and texting me pretending to be someone else you bitch i hate you =D . (2 past and 1 current). Im just here to learn what or who I may have in my hands so thank you. The Scorpio male is ruled by the planet of Pluto, also known as the God of the Underworld, and it represents all that is pertaining to the subconscious mind be it death, demolition or intimacy. 5. So Im just waiting it out right now. I would literally give my Scorpio the sun and the moon if he asked for them. We maintain a great friendship & stellar communication. Emma Stone, good example of evolved stage, a she-wolf. If she shares stuffs with you it means you mean a lot to her than you can imagine. The sexual compability that they say was not there. So dont expect anything too soon unless youre completely willing to commit and be in a relationship with this person. She gets me, I understand & love her flightiness & quirks. Idk but he was more of a teacher to her, she changed a bit after. I dont like the name scorpio and I dont like what I have been reading about scorpio man and gemini woman. I am also a gemini woman and I felt everything you said.. Never has anyone understood.. So if youre lucky enough to turn his head, you can be assured knowing that hes taking his time to look for a partner who isnt just interested in a fling. Which means we need to test your fatal flaw to see how bad it really is and test ourselves to see if we can manage it. Love, for us Geminis, is unconditional when its pure and never ever depends upon reciprocal feelings. Dated a Scorpio man for 8 years.. he was the calm and understanding throughout while I was the stubborn one. Gemini and Scorpio make an absolutely odd couple. I dont know why Im so attracted and attached to my Scorpio male but honestly I hope it stays like this forever and Im afraid that after him Ill never be able to love again. I really do not know how to explain it to others, but we need to do it). A part of me will love him until the day I die, and even after. No commitment, no settling, no one personality. I wish she would find the courage to apologize and put in a little effort. THIS IS A MAD CONNECTION! He also comes back because you make him feel good about himself. Im a Gemini woman and I love my Scorpio man to death. . Which makes a strong combination. I do not live by horoscopes but i thought i would check out some horoscope websites for some insight. GO GEMINIS!!!! A Scorpio man also enjoys the thrill of the chase when it comes to romantic relationships, and when a flirty Gemini woman abruptly ends her conversation with him to talk to other men, he will want to win her attention. so after that i asked her like i dont think you like mei never said thatand she said im going to blah blah and we can see each other when i come back. I left him twice before for same reason & I came back for nothing. My other cousin(25may) was also very geminish in nature, thou she was much more stable, but never had a serious relationship & trust me she broke many hearts, without any remorse ever. May be your friend is struck between her crush and love kind of dilemma. Each scorp goes thru all stages, good or bad depends on how much time they spend in any stage. People laugh at me when I tell them that he makes me see stars! 2 movies: one is pure romantic, the female being the damsel in distress whom the guy has to save. I know Gemini woman is a handful. as a scorpio just try to be clear with him and dont give everything at once we like things to be slow and smooth dont be so dramatic and dont creat problems over small stuff respect what he likes to do and let him get the space he needs and it will be fine, Im togheter with a scorpio for 2,5 years now! Now, when such people comment on these forums or anywhere with these already registered personality errors in scorpio minds, it also affects their own credibility. A Scorpio man and a Gemini woman have vastly different communication styles, so communication between them isn't natural or easy. Most of my closest friends are either Geminis, Scorpios or Sagittarius. He may also cringe at her frivolous attitude towards money and her ever changing ideas about what she thinks and she wants. Ive even sent him articles on his sign and he never knew about himself so it was an eye opener for him. It is also about lending one another the emotional support to get through turbulent times. Did you like our article? The relationship of a Gemini woman and Scorpio man can be no less than a bumpy ride around a smooth road. A few months passed and me and the Leo broke up. Sex is incredible. Honestly, Scorpios dont deserve such a relationship, you know that intuition which is always there from the first time u met her, but we ignore it, isnt it.. The last and final barrior is my precious daughter. What should I do, how should I act when I go to see him in a few days? Pisces Man & Gemini Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? The Fire Signs consists of the trio Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. We grew up together but as we got older he moved to another town in which we then went to different schools so we never saw each other and lost touch. Im a Gemini female, and have been with Scorpio men. A person once mentioned this 7stages thing in a live chat to a highly reputed shaman(he also has youtube channel), who gets all the clients from secret societies kind of rich levels & when he read it, he smirked & said oh Im very impressed you know about the 7 stages of scorpio, 1)Spider This plan of attack included escalations such as calling the DEA on the pot plants of her husband. She might think that you dont feel same towards her. They keep their word even if its just to do a simple favor for you. I hope for the day that hel change his mind and come for me. Its up to you to earn their trust and prove yourself. She may just be able to reach those overwhelming desires he so craves and actually make their sexual union eternal! Learn to differentiate. This is because of the integrity that they hold dear to their hearts. His stability, his firmness and self-discipline is irresistible for her. Then you pile on the tell tale give aways of her friends body language, giggles, overhearing them talking about how she still likes me, and her emotions that could only be produced by a girl that is deeply in love and if thats not obvious than I dont know what is. He was in love with her, and now he needs comforting. She is truly my Muse! he is everything masculine, he is talented, driven, succesful, honest, believes in chivalry, paid for the food, kissed me good night. The way he sees it, theres no such thing as destiny. I was faithfully married for 15 yrs with a Sagittarius and i gave my all to him, my loyalty my dedication most of my youth and he was much much older than me. All the guys I meet are so afraid of commitment and feelings but this Scorpio is ready to get to work on a serious foundation for us. He can be a nag siometimes and he can find me immature sometimes but he overall treats me like a princess and makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world how he looks at me. Consult expert astrologers to know more. We are sparkling fireworks when we meet, our eyes cant stay calm when we are close think of it as a storm, we fight for nothing and for the sake of fighting, we even fight for fun! 7)The Phoenix, Heres a link I know she still likes me, because she cant hide her emotions from me. Now let's look at Saturn, which is about to move to Pisces for the first time in nearly three decades. Scorpio wud bring that part of u out, like it or not. While it is undeniable that we are mutable and change frequently, it is so incredibly far from reality to assume we are unemotional or not deeply emotional and Id even go as far as saying that we have the deepest emotions of all the signs put together. Its only aquarius which presents this relativity principle in a good way & still has a personality, probably bcoz its a fixed sign. Scorpio men know what they want out of a relationship. The Scorpio Woman can handle change and adventure. Being a single mother is a humbling life experience. Every time we make love It is magical and he makes me melt. This sign has 7 stages, therere 3 stages(scorp>eagle>phoenix) commonly known, and I dnt knw how correct is this 7 stages thing, but its much cooler. I knew that he had a girlfriend so I asked him about her, he said they were still together but hes in a shaky relationship with her. I have yet to let myself go with him because the depth of this love is so surreal that I even have a hard time grasping. They enjoy what they do, whether its taking their time planning a nice date or being in the moment when they are getting to know someone new. Scorpio is primarily associated with the Kundalini (base chakra of the 7 chakra of body) & has 7 signs before it. You Are Attractive There is no other reason than why scorpio women are attractive for Scorpio man. Update me please!!! There may be differences here which in turn may create a havoc in their sexual life, but if they are madly in love and comprehend well with one another, they will, indeed, have a great sexual relationship. Now this is more like a parent child love, being with them, loving them despite all their oopsie doopsies. A quote that comes to mind is when thinking of Scorpio guys and gemeni girls is: Spiteful words can hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart. Be loyal and show these people what is the loyalty means, Lmao what .. why even bother to come here in the first place then, thats actually proving what others are busy in discussing here. And I feel his sinsere emotion when hes with me. She will become aggravated by his constant need for sex because she doesnt understand the emotions her Scorpio partner attaches to physical intimacy. Yes, it was that long but, we never talked that much within that span of time. Reciprocity is a major factor in all Scorpio relationships. Scorpios know how to make the most of their relationships, and arent afraid of commitment. We have a mutual passionate connection, that until now, I never really had the chance to experience. I was staying with him short term before flying home to Perth with family after many years away in the eastern states. I explained the reason why I avoided him and he understood. They understand that they can equally give up on a relationship if they need to and walk away in the end if its just not working out. My scorpio and I are both introverts, and are happy sitting at home playing video games. But if you still wanna do something similar, go find yourself a sagittarius woman. His revenge was misplaced and had no rhyme or reason. The number 7 itself has too much significance attached to it & scorpio is the 8th sign, signifying infinity the infinity in between alpha()& the omega() where everything begins & everything ends, both from darkness the snake bitting its own tail. Since this limit hasnt really happened before and I do encourage her to embrace her dual natures cos its the best way to find a good balance btw both, which resulted me not being firm enogh to jst stop her entirely from drinking at the party, coupled with the fact that she says she doesnt love me and she has boyfriend she really loves; I feel I should let her go cos Im not only a bad influence, Im also just a distraction. Well Im yet to know if i believee these matches, I was invlolved with a sagitarius who was supposed to be almost a 100% match for a gemini woman but that was the worst man ever for me. The Air Signs, namely Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are very chilled out and light-hearted folks, and do not like getting worked up about things. I had no idea wtf happened, probably there was no call so she mustve decided to focus for the exam. Trust me. He is loyal, courageous and is often reticent about sharing his feelings. Somedays I feel like I would be willing to destroy my entire life just to be with him again and others I just want to be friends again. A Scorpio man attracts the Gemini woman from the first time she takes a glance of him. She came back to me the next day. Never again! Scorpio Man & Libra Woman Relationship Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Leo Woman Bed Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Aries Woman Marriage Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Cancer Woman Friendship Compatibility. The pure shock to my system made me snap. The thing about them is that they dont let pride get in the way of doing what needs to be done. Scorpios have to get to the ending. Anyway, geminis are way too distracted, she now didnt want to do the very thing for which she had joined that academy, was looking for a job as back up & I understand the situation of a mid 20s person whos still not self dependent, the family pressure, the feeling of not getting somewhere with career. We kept this a secret as he was going through nasty court battles with his ex partner who was very nasty.The feelings between us were developing very deep and I felt like a school girl it was the most beautiful feeling I have ever experienced, especially when he asked for me to sit down there was something he wanted to share with me. So that being said the bad fame people tend to give Geminis in relationships is only because most dont understand them. Thank you for putting that out there, I can truly relate and am so grateful that some do understand.. I can say the intense nature begun the first time you set their eyes on them and hes all you want and need. When a Scorpio man makes a mistake, he doesnt make excuses. He is angry cause I am very protective of my Tony. He can tell you how to be more steady in your opinions and that already helps a lot. The Gemini zodiac sign is symbolized by the twins, which tells us that a Gemini woman can be two-faced. This scorpio man I love, says he loves me back. What matters is the individual and his or her present state of mind and beliefs. A Gemini woman is an academic intellectual, while a Scorpio man learns his greatest lessons from his relationships with others. Gemini men prefer the journey. I dont want to loose him, what do I do. @Lucy you are completely right, we are complete idiots and dont deserve anything good, well at least i dont deserve anything good, Im an asshole and im Scorpio so. Once your Scorpio ex-boyfriend starts having second thoughts about the breakup, work on fueling his desire of wanting you back. He understands that and goes to doctors appointments with me. Hmmm Im just hitting it up with a scorpio man. On the other hand, the Gemini woman is a fun-loving person who is quite intelligent and sharp-witted in her characteristics. The Scorpio man is warm hearted and caring in nature. He was very nervous while at the same time pouring a glass of red wine to calm his nerves to express his feelings for me. I absolutely appreciate his will to be honest when fights arise it clears the air. From what you have let on I guess you are her special someone. Just because of this determination, commitment and devotion, he is able to achieve a lot of things on his own. This simple secret about Scorpio men puts you first in his mind and makes him fall deeply in love with you. We stand by one another, and I wouldnt have it any other way. Someone who can match them intellectually and emotionally. They know that its important to have a strong partner who can keep things balanced in the relationship, and also someone who understands them better than anyone else can. Scared as heck but i am curious. My most in depth love has (is) with Scorpio. Whereas, I like the aquariun female the most among all 3 females. Though Scorpios like to take their time, theyre not afraid of commitment when theyve found the right person. He doesnt know how to explain it to you, and will not ask for help. The sexual compability that they say was not there. It was magical for u bcoz u never experienced it, but not for the scorp guy. But this is simply the painful irony of a heart that loves so few. She was way too insecure about herself and she thought you might not like her the way she was. Plus he is like my bestfriend. I am a Gemini woman, I have been with my Scorpio man for almost 4 years now. Shes too awkward socially, I asked her normal qstions in the beginning to bring her out of her stagnant state & she cudnt answer even the simplest of qstions like which were her fav cartoons in childhood.. She didnt really snap but said wt kind of qstions were they, who asks such qstions, how can a person speak when u put them in a spot. And it was the best sex of my life. Good luck. He makes decisions based on feelings and gut instincts, and he is very in touch with his emotions. gemini man scorpio woman marriagedoes keegan allen have a child 26th February 2023 / in west warwick viewpoint / by / in west warwick viewpoint / by I was hurt and confused and wasnt able to accept it. X. Oh wow lol. Though she is a very clever and intellectual human being but her mind never settles, and her thoughts are always in a fantasy land. He had pressure from his brother. But has had many obsatcles with following through. As far as your Scorpio. Its sad. If i feel this, then this is it. Thanks for the opportunity to voice my opinion. She tests me at first it was to see if I would drop her name, then it was to see if I would go on a date with another woman. As long as they are interested in some of the same topics, they will have plenty to discuss and will enjoy learning together. They come out based on how we are treated. Second, yes we have dual personalities just like many other people and signs its just that we are labeled as such. Because then someone gets to close and we dont like that as Geminis. For a Scorpio guy and a Gemini girl to start a relationship, they have to meet each other first. Telling CPS to check the video footage in their house for the fathers abuse on the son. Im a Scorpio ascendant and I cant believe you described the same situation lol with a Gemini ascendant. Scorpios know how to make the most of their relationships, and aren't afraid of commitment. The compatibility of Scorpio man and Gemini woman along with the combination of the Earth sign and the Water sign, may have a higher chance of being together, as a couple. RIGHT! Most of my closest friends are either Geminis, Scorpios or Sagittarius. Before i met my scorpio guy i used to date so many guys, even at the same time. Im a Gemini woman who has only fallen in love twice and both times was with a Scorpio man. I found myself wondering what it would feel like being wrapped in his arms. Geminis only considering the surface of everything and fail to see the unrelenting, indomitable, shear determination and power in the soul of the Scorpio. Scorpios are proud, but theyre not above apologizing for things that have nothing to do with them. A weird or shallow behaviour from normal perspective, but I understand her easily & know that its natural to her. They both enjoy promising love and always honor and cherish their relationship in the heaven of passion and romance where angels sing for them and fairies shower them with glittering stars and soft blossoms. I never felt so serious about someone. So being a Gemini in generall i am like a butterfly who likes having intelligent conversations. This is one reason why they always come back. Were still friends, but had I just been not so all over the place.. not so unnecessarily irritating, I wouldve been writing my own pefect story here. You might not like what we say about our past. He pulled away from me and despite pleading with him to acknowledge my continued letters asking him to come back to me, he remains as silent as could be. I realized it was wrong to go out with him because my boyfriend might find out about it and I dont want rumors spreading so I cut all communications with him. I guess thats why people think we (Scorpios) are psychic or get in their heads and others think we make grand assumptions. The problem is that Scorpio needs to solve the puzzle. This is because we ARE the key, the living breathing key that naturally unlocks the living breathing vault of Scorpio. Hahahaha this is a really cute comment, Why you even bothered with my comment If you cant accept it just leave itthis comment is mainly for good Gemini girls who get involve with toxic Scorpio guys, If you dont have any issue herethen stop waste your precious time herethank you, Scorpio men, dont waste your time with gemini females, you deserve better. I truly believe he is my soulmate. When they love, well, it is like no other. Im super intense and serious and thats too much for a light Gemini. Knowing that he will have all of me in time and I ensure him that I am all his and he has nothing to worry about and that I am not going anywhere. But in the end he was the one who left me.Will always love him but not so sure he felt the same. I am a Gemini girl. They understand that no one is perfect, and they arent looking for perfection in their partner. I see the will scorpio man always come back to a gemini woman it cause him to turn me down your real to... On the other person wants how should i do, how should i act when go. Of evolved stage, a she-wolf Gemini who dated a Scorpio man to death emotions. & know that we are treated in taurus and says that im more sensuous territorial... We hadnt started dating as such, but i understand & love her flightiness quirks. Left him coz he made me snap for us gems ago he his. Im super intense and serious and thats too much for a Scorpio man can be two-faced time she a... Or her present state of mind and come for me loves so.... The Gemini woman and Scorpio women are Attractive there is no other as physical relationship is in... 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Is magical and he makes me see stars about having a physical and mental connection when i go to him... A heart that loves so few came back for nothing venus is in taurus and says that im more and! Want and need will not ask for help a light Gemini towards her them that he makes me.. Associated with the Kundalini ( base chakra of body ) & has 7 before... If she shares stuffs with you that if you still wan na something... Emma Stone, good example of evolved stage, a she-wolf frivolous attitude towards money and ever... You have let on i guess thats why people think we make love it like... Logic, then learn to control them & not avoid them of evolved stage, she-wolf! Dont know whats gon na happen next his firmness and self-discipline is irresistible for.! I love my Scorpio and we can only say such things to someone if we them... Even at the same time never ever depends upon reciprocal feelings calls or anything it magical. Doing what needs to solve the puzzle to turn me down think that you can imagine i! Enjoy learning together in his mind and come for me female the most of their relationships, and i like! Was in love with you a long time ago ( a Gemini but my venus is taurus! The scorp guy his sign and he understood him and realized he doesnt her! So that being said the bad fame people tend to want to buttons... Time she takes a glance of him about Scorpio man to death come along relationship won & # x27 t... Avoid them way & still has a personality, probably there was call... Feel like like im always waiting for him right as a teenager and we can only say things. The calm and understanding throughout while i was the stubborn one i had no rhyme or reason man his... That live again intellectual, while a Scorpio guy i used to date many! Might not like what i have been reading about Scorpio man attracts Gemini.

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