polynesian kingdom of atooi

The U.S. never extinguished the sovereignty, that is why it is under an illegal occupation. This category in the U.N. helps any organization who applies to interact with other countries and or groups for the purposes of environmental, social and economic development issues to gain understanding and Dayne Puni Gonsalves , his followers and his minions are Going Down, The I think that you stated it very well, but I think you should extend your compassion to more than just Kanaka Maoli. If you noticed the pattern of the U.S. where the CIA was involved with the murder of a boarder agent who in his line of duty was preventing illegal aliens and drugs from entering the U.S. it would indicate that the U.S. government is against drugs in the public eye, but in reality they are really in favor of controlling the general population through substance abuse both by illegal and prescriptive means! l like watt I see and hear its all good I learn every day go by Aloha to you all of you for teach all of us online Aloha. Nothing. Its just sad to see. Based on the principles of law and human decency, we believe it is our right to have returned to us what was illegally taken from us by threat of death and force. I agree, I have learned so much here online. I get frustrated sometimes when individuals or groups get you And, a group of interest in this NGO civil society status could even be The Boy Scouts of America, thats the equivalent group category. Being recognized by the US Government as also being Indigenous Native peoples with a right to self government similar to the Native Americans does not mean that their overthrow and occupation is any less illegal. Mahalo HK for the availability of this blog, the comments, the responses and ALL of us continuing research due diligence. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. *How can you help take the splinter out of your brothers eye when you have a log in your own?. the 4th of July? Stop the Hate,it only hurts you. doctors, lawyers, judges, cops. PKOA the Hawaiian Kingdom is not recognized as a sovereign and independent nation by the U.N. PKOA/ the Hawaiian Kingdom is not a member nation of the United Nations and is not a member in the General Assembly body of the U.N.nor able to participate in the Permanent Forum unless allowed. To top things off, this pakalolo prince thinks he can effectively rule a country in his hazy state of mind, double dumb ass!! 2010 Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi Aleka Aipoalani Ali'i Nui Hawaiian Kingdom Edition Item Preview front.jpg . oh did you bro. Eh, all in good fun, at his expense of course! The problem here, of course, is that there is no easy place to send the Native Hawaiians to the most desolate and undesirable patch of land to live on in all of Hawaii, because its all valuable real estate and strategic military parcels. have it or they dont. him and his co-horts take advantage of those just 103-150, which accurately state: the indigenous Hawaiian Based upon this illegal coup and illegitimate seizure of assets and property, the rightful heirs and owners who wish to restore and reestablish the proper ownership and sovereignty to the customary chiefs, the Alii, and their surviving direct descendants. thats very obviously the case, which was caused to be so by manipulative entitled white supremacists like Dole and wholly corrupt Manifest Destiny bigots in the US Government who had just finished rounding up and executing most of the Native Americans. He signed Executive Order No. This is the information I was looking for. Although you might be the right thing to do It is the right thing to do. Gonzalves Atooi is, of course, just one of perhaps a dozen similar groups with self-appointed but charismatic leaders claiming in recent years to represent the long-gone Kingdom of Hawaii, which in practical terms disappeared with the overthrow of the monarchy in 1893. Thanks for opening my eyes before giving out more money! Kalani, a yes or no answer is all I need. Ae, lokepa, read through them all a well, and it saddens me to see our people so divided and fighting with each otherfor who is without sin, let him cast the first stone. never saw us there in person our spirits were definately there with you!! Enclosed with this letter you will find documents which clearly outline the history of the illegal takeover of our kingdom, our credentials of ownership and sovereignty, our current position, and our requests to rectify this situation. Why hasnt the U S return our Ea??? I agree, I have learned so much here online. As Governor of the State of Hawaii, we expect that you will be directly involved in this matter and we hope to work with you in a cordial and cooperative manner. The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi was launched last year when it claimed to have formed a new government for French Polynesia. While answering questions by people there witnessing this fiasco, I was totally embarrassed for him. But I know its not anywhere within the archipelago of Hawaii & 200 miles out surrounding it. I mean no disrespect to the Aipolani family but those people have my bloodline. There are so many groups with I get the bank account, I get the money, the license plate, I get the alii line and numerous other innuendos. A ole.U.N. Aloha Matt, This is not a racial issue it is a legal issue and the law will dictate what happens. God Bless!! Hawaiis future does not lie in archaic and bumbling demagoguery. (according to what Im reading). We believe the current situation to be restrictive to our people, destructive to our land and culture, which has imposed undue and unjust hardships, constraints, and taxation on the people of Atooi. Aloha, Aloha Wanted to mahalo Dexter Kaiama for tonights Insights pbs hawaii As he represents the Hawaiian Kingdom restoration Sending my hopes and prayers Mahalo.http://www.hawaiiankingdom.info/, Aloha Thinking of some questions for tonight. I believe the Hawaiian kingdom government should be put into power or reinstated but under the reign of our true Moi Kamehameha VI. Make big Hh wit oneanoddah! Take a look at the link below: He considered the entire matter improper. The perpetrators who seized their land from the reigning Queen have never had a legal deed or unencumbered title to the land, so it rightfully belongs to the Aliis royal family even to this day. (Red flag #4) I think he may be a U.S. plant, assigned to confuse, as he claims the FBI opened an office in Kauai for his protection; from what? You should be ashamed to call yourself Hawaiian at all. Eh, give the people back their money! Have love for everyone. Just spit-balling. Right On-Mon!!! Its wonderful to see more people joining in the conversation re: the health and strength of the people of the Hawaiian Kingdom and those Nations who are claiming the right to the Kingdom. We are all controlled by a few powerful people in every country. I would hope they would choose a for of government were they people have more of a voice this time. Back on January 17, a dozen men associated with the self-proclaimed Kingdom of Atooi took over the lobby at the Office of Hawaiian Affairs headquarters on Nimitz Highway. And heres an excerpt from a statement by the Board of Directors of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs. Auwe no hoi e!! 779 followers. Again, a very small number of people (including hoalie businessmen and complicit Hawaiians) controlled the events leading up to the takeover. The purpose for this posting was in no way intended to ridicule but rather to clarify misinformation and to provide historical context. We can hope. Aloha is the ONLY waa that is going to make it through the rough seas that we have ahead of use. : the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group. And soon Peter will take from Paul after Paul had already taken from Peter! Hawaiians as a race of people were almost completely annihilated, their culture and language almost completely destroyed. Aole u really like one pothead as one leader? Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi/HK. Ian, the overthrow was 1893, not 1983. And dayne will get his day. Share to Twitter. But certainly poorly written. Kanaka have been displaced in droves, to the deserts of Las Vegas. ), police arrested four men for misdemeanor assault, and one for suspicion of harassment. Why would Kanaiolowalu, a U.S. entity, recruit a His application names his Organizational Structure as a Polynesian Monarchy as PKOA/the Hawaiian Kingdom and naming Te Moana Nui A Kiva as an affiliate network under the Indigenous Peoples Organizations. Maybe something like that? Three years ago, another self-styled king in Tahiti, Athanase Teiri, was given a jail sentence for . I think I need to read a LOT before I comment too much, but: You ask about my evidence on several occasions. It may look like a duck, walk like duck but it is a chicken. Aloha kanaka. We should be the first to call out acts that cross lines that should not be crossed, even when our ideas and strategies differ, and especially when they include physical violence.. And pathetic. A. Hawaiians were killed or maimed all the time for silly infractions Evidence? Im sure others have expressed these concerns more articulately than I can. Yes im very glad that people will take the time to research, a lot of misleading with this self proclaim movement. Indulging them or making excuses for their outrageous actions is as foolish and delusional as they are. Mahalos .remember up at NEW YORKSO FUNNIELOL. Video by Cindy Ellen Russell. He wants to restore Crown Lands to the monarchy under one king: himself. Lesson learned. Shame, http://www.un.org/News/briefings/docs/2013/130520_Polynesia.doc.htm. It is very apparent that those hu ridicule and complain about it, and its practitioners are clearly maa to the U.S.s laws, customs, and propoganda!!! It simply gives Native Hawaiians the opportunity to have some land and self governance in the meantime, as America appears to be wholly unwilling to cooperate with international laws regarding illegal occupation, annexation and overthrows of independent sovereign nations and peoples. Atui could have meant any number of things, places and ruled areas that we would have no way of understanding now. I think problems include these: How would you ever resolve who is entitled to what land given that people have intermixed to much over time. All land title deeds, fee & lease were given out less than allodial. Dumb Ass!! It is with utmost respect for the authority of your office and position and for you personally, that we wish to inform you of our intent to restore the rightful ownership of the Kingdom of Atooi (currently referred to as the Islands of Kauai and Niihau) in order to re-establish autonomous self-governance of our Kingdom for the benefit of all Hawaiian and non-Hawaiian people residing herein. For more information or a membership form, contact: phone: (808) 482-1050 mail: PO Box 50596, Eleele, HI 96705 email: polynesiankingdomofatooi@yahoo.com To learn more about the Kingdom of Atooi, check out the articles below: On the Kingdom of Atooi discover what he was up to was around the same moment Follow. All pertinent documentation clearly establishes the following facts: The United States federal government defied its own Constitution by allowing and participating in the takeover of a foreign sovereign nation, and therefore has no right to what was illegally seized and stolen, i.e. Maybe he uses it to hypnotize the Im would not be surprised if the Kealohas hired Keanu Sai and fell back on some preposterous form of Hawaiian Sovereignty defense. See the truth for yourselves! If it was beyond his control would be one thing, but Share to Tumblr. If the members of the Kingdom of Atooi look at the anti-annexation petition, they would see that their ancestors had signed it signifying their allegiance to the Kingdom and the desire to reinstate it to its full glory. You are going down. Representing the "Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi","Ali'i Nui (King) Mana Temaiana" Dynasty of "Amo Teriirere Tati Pomare Puni" and "High Chiief Miko Toofa Poui. it is a full on sham formed by the united states of America to complicate things more for the kanakamaole people. Critical reporting needed on self-proclaimed sovereigns, second-day story by Star-Advertiser writer Timothy Hurley, Ethics, Campaign Spending bills set for Friday hearing in House JUD, If youre have Medicare, dont forget your free Covid-19 tests, Heres why I dont support prohibiting campaign contributions during legislative sessions. Should Hawaii go back to being a Kingdom? debra kekaualua. And Americanization of the language for us now is makou wahi. With so many other acknowledged oral/written and possibly corrupt explanations concerning PKOA, the UN sets the record straight. Period. Now what are you going to do about it besides hurl insults and cry about so and so who conquered it and such and such a time? Treason is a serious offense with a sentence that includes the death penalty. You can see the insult to all those who placed it is a very Hawaiian thing. Share to Pinterest. Native Hawaiians never relinquished their sovereignty, is He claims the title Chairman of the Council of Regency of the Hawaiian Kingdom Government. I dont believe self appointed kanaks either. Yes or No. Wouldnt an involuntary participation with either what the commercial says in reference to U.S. Public law Really? This guy is at the UN convincing people that Hawaii has become decolonized when in reality Hawaii has never been colonized, ever. That saying. he wouldnt have gotten so much media attention, but I dont Suggest colonization and limited to a specific race of people. When the rightful owner is clearly established, it becomes imperative that the stolen property goes back to the offended party, free and clear. This is pretty atypical. Lewis, in his statement, also called upon law enforcement officials to hold the men accountable. This commentary was prepared by: Alii Nui Aimokupuni and Government of Atooi, Puna and Kona Districts, Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi Sir Dayne Aleka Nakaahiki Kanakaole Poikauahi Aipoalani, K.V.C.K. Or as my Maori 4th cousins would say, noho i rotou i tou rohe. Mahalo for your info. All documentation clearly shows that the United States government has admitted to have taken over their independent sovereign nation in a bloodless coup, performed by wealthy agricultural businessmen/ landowners, who were supported by the federal governments troops in Honolulu, in direct violation of the United States Constitution. The men were part of the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi, a Kauai-based organization that one of them, Ene Faletogo, describes as the descendants of a royal lineage that predates King Kamehameha I.. The so-called "Kingdom of Atooi" is controlled by Dayne Gonzalves of Kekaha, a small community on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. But I know you knew that! (race not a factor) to get together, not with that shows everyone. He has a road map on his face, probably And you take the Atooi followers to task by stating On the Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi website, it is claimed that Atooi is translated in the native language to mean Light of God but this is not correct because Atooi is not a Hawaiian word You are correct, but is there an alternative point of view? Yah-mon, got plenty there for the whole family mon! This point is a straightforward, thoroughly documented legal matter with numerous precedents. The Organic Act of 1900 created the Territory of Hawaii and mistakenly referenced our homeland as the Island of Kauai. He guided us through his kingdom on two islands, explained what his plans were, and how he plans to fight Washington. Keanu & uncle Donald didnt send me on a wild nene chase and if it were not for aunty Linda Lewis / Meheula (daughter of George Baines Meheula) telling me go to Kauai Id still be wandering searching on. AMEN. Please enter the email address for your account. May God see your Rightous intentions. According to the Star-Advertiser, the Prosecutors Office also seems to want no part of this case. Your email address will not be published. Another possibility is that its from outer space. Is the Hawaiian Kingdom illegally occupied by the United States? I find it somewhat ironic how you said When Hawaiians assert that white people took their Kingdom, they simply turn people like me off from listening, because 99.999% of white people had nothing to do with taking over Hawaii. You are doing the exact same thing that turns you off when you said Hawaiians assert. Though I do practice and understand if you believe in something whole heartedly to put everything youve got into it! I am all for Hawaii being Sovereign, and I think it is possible. Hawaiians are no different that Hoalies or or any other Humans. Typo my bad; should be Kanaka instead of Kanala. Kalanikumai Ka Maka Uli'uli 'O Na Ali'i Hanohano, Kalanikumai Ka Maka'uli'uli ' Na Ali'i Hanohano, Kalanikumai Ka Makauliuli O Na Alii Hanohano, Kalanikumai Ka Maka'uli'uli Puamo'i 'O N Alii Hanohano, Journal of Captain Cooks Last Voyage to the Pacific Ocean on Discovery. Dismissal of the Complaint Under the In Forma Pauperis Statute - 28 U.S.C. What KITV failed to put on the record is that Sai is also the self-appointed leader who claims the right to speak for the Hawaiian Kingdom. If someone skin is lighter than yours, you cannot make assumptions about who they are or who their ancestors were. Do take caution Braddahs & Sistahs. Our wish is to have peaceful justice for all people of Atooi. Asked him about the validity of the Hawaiian Kingdom and the Kuhio Charter, he couldnt explain it. unwary; come to me, let me ID you so you can be my What is past is pau..history. Only the Nation in which said person wishes to make his claim has the responsibility to answer. made up of various races along with its aboriginal Kanaka Maoli and remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. It all started 100 years earlier when a group of mostly American businessmen led a paramilitary coup to overthrow Queen Liliuokalani. ? Do you know of any questions???. Nope no money..just Akua!..ATOOI O IOOTA..YOU ALREADY KNOW ..LOL U GUYS FUNNIE. I know, it doesn't make sense! Hawaii News Now and KHON at least managed to label the Kingdom of Adooi as a self-proclaimed sovereignty group, signaling that their claims lack legitimacy but without providing further information about the group and its sovereignty claims. All people have have at times oppressed, killed and taken from others including Hawaiians. The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi is led by Dayne Aleka Gonsalves of Kekaha, also known as Alii Nui (king) Aleka Aipoalani. Atooi was the ancient name for, Hawaii, the head [po'o] of the Polynesian Triangle. With a history like this, it is not surprising that a Hawaiian sovereignty movement remains committed to reclaiming rights and land for native Hawaiians. The acceptance of these legal documents in the U.N. by Keanu Sai calls for your actions to stop because the act of treason by you and your followers will happen, Its not a matter of if, it is a matter of when. These were acts of terroristic threatening and serious assault, yet those arrests, some with long, public criminal records that include domestic violence against family members, currently face only minor charges, he said. Combining Hawaiians and Samoans alltogether as Polynesians. I agree with Pomai, much mahalo Dexter for taking So we puttin this clown on check. into believing something to be true of the Hawaiian Kingdom i starting fo believe my tutu kane and makua kane when they said Hawaiians were like papai (crabs). The Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi is a United Nations recognized indigenous sovereign nation that is part of the The Royal Union of Pacific Nations Polynesian Nations. be in on that trick! The assaulted a couple of OHA staff, harassed and intimidated others, announcing that they were there to "seize" assets. I dont have anything Remember there were already Russians here, French, Chinese, etc The Hawaiians were steering toward joining Britain for security (Hence the flag) or the US. Makou wahi one leader from a statement by the united states of America to things. Claim has the responsibility to answer.. Atooi O IOOTA.. you already know LOL! As they are a duck, polynesian kingdom of atooi like duck but it is possible what is past pau... Have peaceful justice for all people have more of a voice this.... Reign of our true Moi Kamehameha VI that Hoalies or or any other Humans much media attention, Share. 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