police escort for custody exchange

So, I am at a loss what to do. What the kids tell me is hair raising and scares me. The other police officer said, let her go. We have a court date for my objection on August 15 2017. Are you doing these things, and if given the chance, could you do these things 24/7? I have primary custody of my daughter but me and my ex husband get my daughter every other week. She has a work obligation. We are also in Texas. And tonight he called me from a Tennessee number. Remember this; all of this behavior will pass, just like a large kidney stone. Wont let me see my kids,even talk to them on the phone.i didnt see them 7 months now,didnt talk to them in last 3months .have no idea if they ok. She says, yes I am. So, I am going back over there this evening with my mom coming with me. 1. anything could happen but he would have to live in Illinois for six months and it there has been anything filed which Im guessing since you have sole legal custody there it is set with the court then he has to go to that county that all of this has tookin place in. As she has moved him school (without telling my boyfriend) and his first day back is the day we get back home. Dont give up. 8/16/2014My ex has been giving me and my wife problems ever since we got married 4 years ago till this day we are still going through the same thing Im on child support I pay her 1,200 a month I have my visitation rights and on my court order states anyone can get my kids for me she hates my wife for no reason so when my wife try to pick up my kids for my weekend wouldnt let my wife get them b/c I wasnt there but I couldnt make it I had to work the cops werent no help so my wife had to leave without my kids what can I do? I would work with my ex husband in any and every way to ensure the boys maintain a relationship with their dad. I am in the same situation. There is lots of grey in the law when it comes to this subject. I had a lawyer tell me last year I let too much time go by and its too late to do anything about it now. Despite the fact that Im the custodial parent. Being a dad is the best thing I ever did. I just want to talk to my son. I had to go to 2 different police stations and finally an officer agreed to write an incident report. Im helpless to do anything. I dont want to get in trouble either with the law but i need to protect my child whqat should I do? Oh my Goodness. You should purchase some facial recognition software then cross reference all the school year book pictures from the last known address and for some years back also since you say shes been out of your life since twelve and is sixteen now. Do you know what youre doing? Do you call the Dad and let him know that youre going to the doctors and they need his dad does it to six and study show that children without Dads are five times more likely to become on successful and high-risk pregnancies. Many attorneys offer free consultations. It is completely devastating to go through something like this. When is the last time you did 5 loads of laundry on a Saturday, paying for the soap and hot water and dryer sheets, and then did another two loads for good measure on Tuesday when a blanket was covered in vomit and crackers? Ok i need help asap . Doubtful. we had joint custody and I had visitation rights, but I could not find her to enforce my visitation rights. She never told me, but notified the boys school so when I went to pick them up from school, the school would not release them to me. Where are you when someone has to tell your 2nd grader they cant afford to buy a $25 yearbook this year? We dont talk on the phone, we dont email, nothing. Where are you when your child needs to clean their room, or they spill spaghetti sauce all over their third outfit for the day and need to be changed? Dear father who wont pay child support, I think you know, deep inside, that youre wrong. I now it seems long but you probable would be better of waiting six more years dont worry it will go fast I promise you that hang in there god will protect you. The court order states the child is to be with me on the 4th of July. that county has jurisdiction of that minor of course unless he lies to the court. I HAVE 4 DISABLED KIDS. you can file a motion to get her back and everytime he puts his hands on you make a police report filing assault charges against him so many of them can turn into prison time or a felony and you should have never went back to ny I made that mistake with my nine year old. In many cases, police officers might be unwilling to get involved in a family law dispute unless the conduct rises to a criminal infraction (i.e. Wow, sorry to hear that. At the moment I am unemployed and I have left everything at the house. This section provides information on moving detainees between: the scene of an incident/arrest and a police custody suite. Woemen are getting away with it because the necessary action is not being aquired. The ex girlfriend will not help make her go. How many days of work have you missed because of your childs runny nose, and did you get paid time off? Hell no its not. If I could accept this position I would no longer need to accept her generous gift every month. No. Youre working so hard, when you feel like it. Ive begged her for weeks now to tell me if there is anything I could be doing or should do before our court date in four days. His brother is his manager where they work funny right. Required fields are marked *. My kids from previous marriage are 8 and 10. Trust me us women do to and sometimes we also dont get to see our kids. Contact us. hes been trying to keep our daughter from me despite a joint custody court order in place. My family and I are very close and supportive of each other. He recently showed up with police on my weekend with police saying I violated the parenting agreement which I didnt. I am worried about his environment at this point, so Im willing to go to any length. My two boys were removed from me in 2011. The work you do for your family is part of the only work that matters, and you should enjoy every minute of it while you can because when its over, its over. I have a question for a friend of mine. There is no question about it. They want really bad and miss me and my husband as well as their step sister who is only 2 now. Well last night she told my husband it would be 3 weeks before they had her so called apartment fixed ( we do not believe she has one ) and for him to stay with us. I was with my ex for 3 years n 6mthns n he cheated on me so we split, before he left me, we were planing to get married in the future, I loved him so much but I became tired of him lying to me every time he opens his mouth, I went into search for help in the internet, I tried many different spells from almost every place locally as well as online and none of them worked, I almost gave up hope because I thought i will never see my lover again forever, one day i saw some testimony about this powerful spell caster Great zula i emailed him and i asked him to help me bring back my lover and he did A Lover Spell for me And after some days, my lover returned back to me Id like to say that i got a positive result from (greatzula@yahoo.com) ever since i used his love spell, my lover have learned to appreciate me more and more day by day, and he doesnt take me for granted. The custodial parent can deny visitation if even there is a court order which states that the non custodial parent can have visitation and there are no consequences for CONTEMPT OF COURT. How many night lights do you have powered on each and every single night? I cannot get it out of my head. But last year she took 4 months off being a mom. So the child has been with us. Bad choice i know. I would like to know if any mother was put in jail for playing around with visitation, the way men are routinely put in jail for not paying state sponsored extortion payments, To Mike.Extortion payments????? I even drove my son back and forth to school one hour each way to make it easier on his father when I could have just let him go 2 min down the road from my house. Wasnt there for her birth. Its beyond cruel. She wants to see our son 3 weekends a month on Fridays and Saturdays. If physical custody is awarded, though it may shock my son for a moment, then that will work too. My wifes ex has full custody recently he decided to let one of the girls age 11 move in with us . The judge ordered her to give me kids for thanksgiving week,and Christmas 2 weeks. How many $3 gallons of milk do you buy weekly? Can she even get in trouble for that? Their mothers pleas for help and financial assistance have become nothing more than another creditor blowing up your phone and not worth your time or cost. And dont forget the Lousy ones are the ones ruining it for us (not moms), and these Judges/Courts cant seem to figure that out. I have sole legal custody of my son. Mine is still doing so. Now what will you tell me? My order says I have visitation every other Friday-Sunday, but this still happened to me!! Tell me how I am to stay safe against having my children taken, I too supply my kids with a phone but they have been threatened if they call me or any of my family. I was wrong. He is a danger to our family. Sometimes women keep them from that because once they see what child support would be (while they choose not to work) they say oh no I couldnt possibly live off of that! She refuses to give me her phone number in case of an emergency for our children and the only way she will communicate is through email. If a former spouse cant see what they are missing in not caring for their children, it shouldnt be a focal point for criticism because its a tragedy for everyone. I dont know what to do. Save Will police escort me to exchange custody because the mother refuse to allow the child to leave. My Husband and his ex girlfriend do not get along, they have a 10 year old daughter together. Here's a list of five tips to help make your child custody exchange a smooth process. She does not want me at her house. Theres court ordered papers and she can only call between 8am to 8pm. his dad just recently Came back into his life 3months ago , he keeps saying hes gonna call the cops on me if my son isnt with him at 1pm we do have a court order im just wondering All rights reserved. His daughter is now at the age where she says what she wants. I bet I would get more individual rights living in Russia then here in the US. What if the grandparents allow the person to see their child even thou they sent allowed and falsely say they do not live at resedence and they really do. Instead, the custodial parent must seek a custody modification and provide evidence that spending time with you is harmful for the child. I would love to see someone arresting your child for making a contact with you. Clearly youre looking for a way to run a scam. They favor the woman period. I have complained many times to the local authority, and to the M.P. I do all the driving on my dime never any help at all. Your consultation is free. He is completely unstable, a ton of evidence was presented to Mead, but in complete horror she disregarded it and ruled against the kids/mom forcing them to visit. Interference with visitation / custody is a class c felony. You can use forms to help you write your custody and parenting time agreement or submit them to the judge when you ask for a custody order. Im going to see my lawyer tomorrow. He sends the police to my home on his visitations to come get my daughter and I refuse. And working for your children, even if it takes you to your limits, is a blessing that has no equivalent. There is, however, a disconnect between theory and practice. I need help I have no idea where to turn at this point she is like a ghost. I asked for 50/50 custody and she flat our told me that would mean it would cut her child support in half and she couldnt live. how long can a human survive this???? The police couldnt enforce the custody decree and told us there was nothing they could do. Is it specific in times days? Now today she demands us to bring the child to her today! I have been taking off the School pick up lists from my six year and 3 year old. She tells them, I am bad, my house is bad, it is dirty, and there are monsters here. I dont expect her antics will stop until my sons 18, and Im no longer legally bound to her. But when we got there 4 or 5 men beat us in the car. If the child wants to be with you, he/she will, especially when they are older. Hi, bsThe laws, police that enforce them and even the court is circa 1960s. Are you willingly going along with what hes demanding? I live in fairfax with my sever year old daughter and there is a court order for visitation for her dad to pick her up every other week. I am afraid one day I will be arrested and my son will see me hauled off in handcuffs.what can I do? The systems gender bios. Go to wherever she goes to school at. Meet half way to pick up and drop off ask for every other year to calm your child on taxes pay child support and co- parent best you can it is very difficult but it is best for both of you to be in the childs life ask for every other holiday ask for every other weekend and 2-6weeks in summer. Please help. On Friday February 17, 2023 at approximately 10:21 AM officers with the Fort Wayne Police Department. He wont tell me where he lives or give me an address. How many career opportunities have you given up or failed at because you put the priorities of your children first? I have a court order. But they have not set any contact up, which states in the court order. And I tryed to get my boys back but that failed. Heres my suggestion. I plan to get an attorney, im sick of him thinking he has some power of my 15 old daughter that hates to be with him! Violating Child Custody Orders: Should You Call The Police? Let me back track one moment by saying all of this was made possible by a dishonest process server. Now I really would like to get some advice from someone whos been thru a similar case. Please help me, with step-by-step instructions on what to do. Be prepared. They are above the local police. If you cannot find a SafeExchangePoint near you, follow our buyer/seller safety guidelines. We can be dissatisfied about the way the police in a given country uses its prerogatives but the fact is that it can do something like that everywhere. I can completely relate. Search, Browse Law If you want to know how I got through my divorce check out Divorced Dad Kids are Forever, Wives are Not. The chhsnce is always there be real come on now be honest its ok to agree with me and disagree. If only you could see what youre really doing. I feel exactly the same way,only my situation even worse,my ex took kids away without court permission,now she wont even let me talk to them,she lies to a judge. But every time I confront him about any of it he denies all of it. But the mothers wont allow it. Listen to them, take their advice and follow it! Go rogue. We have a court date and mediation date coming up, so Im going to ask for things to be set straight again. In my case, we both have shared custody only she has residential custody. Document everything. Now they are threatening my freedom. I was awarded a restraining order when he appeared and became physical and removed our daughter (outside of his placement) and did not return her until police became involved. Mead has given him power now in his own mind that he is untouchable. You can say, honestly, that you havent done disgusting things to your ex?? Thank you for any and all advice. There is always an argument or commotion with this woman. The only thing that could make a difference is a blood test. You can give me whatever legal jargon or quote whatever statue. And I dont like him being over there with his new wifes son who has been abbusive to my son and has been kicked out of many schools. I had to check myself into a out patient hospital. I think she hasnt gotten over you being married to someone else. Youre sleeping well at night, and still carry that feeling that youve been treated with injustice. Go back to court immediately asking the court to terminate mother's visitation rights and ordering her to return the child, forthwith. We have two weeks before we leave, what do we do? I still had kids most of the time until my ex got a new girlfriend who loves kids and now he wont ever let them stay with me. I tried to get a ppo but it was denied for lack of evidence and the judge said that he said those things because he was mad. Its insulting to Dads that actually did more than 50 percent of what you are talking about during our marriages. Also the software will allow you to use whatever pictures you have in your possession as reference pictures to compare to all the potential. Sergeant Justin Hess of the Hummelstown Borough Police Department remarked, Because of domestic violence. This family law system is so messed up! Im a supervisor and get called when the officers on the scene need some guidance or most of the time im the referee. Custody X Change is a powerful tool that helps parents create and track professional-quality parenting plans. Most economists in a new survey expect a recession in the U.S. this year but a growing number predict it will come later than initially forecast. Do you realize that no matter what happened between you and the woman you once loved enough to have a child with, that you are still responsible for the financial stability of your child and supporting the person who is devoting her entire life to raising your child? They will award temp custody immediately. I dont mean to be pesimistic, because I am going throught the same thing right this second. The man was taken into custody by . I am trying to help him fill out a motion to enforce their child custody agreement that was put in place when he was divorced. Depending upon the wording of the current order this may be child abduction and you can also contact the District Attorney's office to enlist its assistance. Not calling the police resulted in my boyfriend losing his split parenting time with his children, he went from getting them for six months out of a year down to just two, Hi my name is Frank,and my situation is slightly different due to my sons grandfather is a ex police officer and a county 911 dispatch officer I was a stay at home dad and for the first 3 yrs of my sons life I was dad and mom she wanted nothing to do with my son and was always attacking me with hands and weapons Ive been trying to get to find a way to get help from the law or someone but Ive been harrast by The local police and the county officers so where do I go, Im pretty sure that y son has been molested by someone and again I get no help from anyone of authority due to her fathers pull with the local police or dcfs so if you have any information please contact me at shetland1.fa@gmail.com I would so appreciate it!!!! Rips my innocent daughter from my arms and when I reach for her he uses her body as a weapon against me. Its sad she feels work is more important than her kids relationship with their father. I have a question. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). I do not see people the same way anymore. She still sues me every other year by making fabricated allegations, and violates the parenting agreement whenever it suits her. He abuses drugs and sells them. But, I was kidless that weekend. The mother had us jumped and beaten bad, well when it came time to court she lied . it took a really long time finding her but eventually we did. I have done everything since day 1. he then does not return her, he removes her from school during his non placement time and keeps her for 3 to 4 days( no knowledge of where she is staying) . The court wants to do a investigation. I just nee honesty from people like yourself. Im a single mother going through a bad case now so I understand your situation completely. You dont need a lawyer. 3 The wife will give you the child(ren). I told her Ill call the police. Supervised by the local authority or third party or contact centre for 4 hours once a week . I hope this helped you. If you have a criminal backround you will probably be started off will supervised visits. Always be first to file. He threatens with the police to but Im ready to fight back in court. And believe it or not, there are Mothers, like me, who have ALWAYS tried to make things better for the children/father relationship. Do you know how many $39 boxes of diapers and $12 boxes of wipes a toddler goes through in year? Me and my father raised them for over three years without any help from her. Smh. When is the last time you paid $15 for your childs haircut? But my ex husband never picks her up or drops her off at our meeting spot his mom and her boyfriend do. Who are you to count what he/she does with that time and money? and the funny thing is its supposed to be about the kids but they seem to be the last ones that the Court worries about. Cover all your bases. If youre not loving every minute of taking care of your kids then you should let someone else take some of your time with them off your hands. The Dads like me that want 50/50 instead of every other weekend, and miss our kids so bad when they are gone our hearts ache. My daughters father just came on her life 3 years ago, but out of those 3 years she only seen him 4 times. I cant believe some peopleSorry to hear you all are going through this kind of stuff. Social services have never helped me ever. My question is: What are my chances of a judge in Tarrant County granting my request for permission to relocate? If he wanted to see his kids badly enough , he would offer to pick them up when she cant drive them to him. Your email address will not be published. Do you wake up before the sun rises to make sure your child gets on the school bus? We cant just pick her up and put her in the car because we are scared she will freak out and she will end up getting injured. All three face a single Patronizing . Good Luck w all! Stop whining and complaining that youre a victim and gracefully acknowledge the wonderful GIFT that youve been given. There are two sides to every custody issues. The boys rarely stay overnight with their dad because he doesnt have a place of his own and has been staying on one of his friends couches. I seen a letter that was in my sons handwriting stating things that were not just dishonest but were flat out wrong or never happened. I have to move on with my life. Her mother refuses to give me her address therefore I have no idea where me child is located. Its never been a problem because my step-sons father only shows up every six months for 15 minutes, but lately hes been trying to come around almost every day. I myself am going trough the same thing. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. WEN I FILED FOR INCREASE ON SUPPORT AFTER 15 YEARS YOU RETALIATEDRETALIATE BY FILING FOR SOUL CUSTODY SOUL PLACEMENT YET HE HASNT BEEN AROUND. I I CANT AFFORD AN ATTORNEY 250 AN HOUR LEGAL ACTION HELP. You know,I couldnt even do something like this to my worst enemy. An exterior video security camera will record the "Safe Exchange Zone" 24 hours a day-7 days a week. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. When it comes to this subject these things, and still carry feeling. 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