lithosols soil in ethiopia

Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). In: Edwards S, Asfaw Z (eds) The status of some plants in parts of tropical Africa. 15). Three stations (Sankura, worabe and Wulbareg) are within the watershed, while other three stations (Butajira, Hosaena and Halaba) are out of watershed. (5.3%) of Ethiopia's 3.7 million hectares . J Ecol 23(7):13281335, WBISPP (Woody Biomass Inventory and Strategic Planning Project) Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Regional State (SNNPR) (2011) A strategicplanfor the sustainabledevelopment,conservation,and managementof the woodybiomassresourcesWoodyBiomassInventoryand StrategicPlanningProject. Cont Min Petrol 166(2):351370, Nyssen J, Poesen J, Moeyersons J, Deckers J, Haile M, Lang A (2004) Human impact on the environment in the Ethiopian and Eritrean highlandsa state of the art. Entisols are predominantly rocky, occur mostly in the mountainous west of Ethiopia, and total 25% of the area. Tigray livelihood papers no. The fifth soil group is lithosols found primarily in the Denakil Plain. The current soil erosion level was compared with the tolerable soil loss limit to Ethiopian condition. XEROSOLS (X)Other soils having a weak ochric A horizon and an aridic moisture regime; lacking permafrost within 200 cm of the surface. 6). This study had integrated Geographic Information System (GIS), Therefore, the soil erosion could be reduced if the current land use land cover scenario is considered. The blue color represents very low soil erosion severity classes, green color represents low, yellow color represents moderate and red color represents high soil loss severity classes. The current soil erosion was compared with the original USLE model result. GLEYSOLS (G)Other soils showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface; having no diagnostic horizons other than (unless buried by 50 cm or more new material) an A horizon, an H horizon, a cambic B horizon, a calcic or a gypsic horizon. Lithosols, Cambisols, Nitosols, Vertisols, Xerosols, Solonchaks, Fluvisols and Luvisols cover more than 80% of the country . Soils developed over the lava deposits are mainly lithosols, while regosols are predominant on the Quaternary and pre-Cretaceous basinal deposits., DOI: 0000002802 00000 n The Kidus Yared peak is situated near the middle of the shield volcano. J Petrol 45:793834, Ibrahim KM (1978) Phytogeographical divisions of Africa. [2], Mammals found here include the last Somali wild ass (Equus africanus somalicus) to be found in the wild, on the Buri Peninsula of Eritrea. /MaxWidth 1333 Whereas, the low soil erosion rate in the watershed could be due to the flat topography of the watershed coupled with the implementation of physical and biological soil and water conservation measures through community participation and sustainable land management projects(SLMP). Podzols having a thin iron pan in or over the spodic B horizon, Other Podzols showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface, Other Podzols having a B horizon in which a subhorizon contains dispersed organic matter and lacks sufficient free iron to turn redder on ignition, Other Podzols in which the ratio of percentage of free iron to percentage of carbon is 6 or more in all subhorizons of the B horizon, Other Podzols lacking or having only a thin (2 cm or less) and discontinuous albic E horizon; lacking a subhorizon within the B horizon which is visibly more enriched with carbon. There are many erosion prediction models worldwide. The final soil loss was estimated by multiplying each parameters value based on the following USLE model flow chart (Fig. The average soil loss rate is 2.2 tons per hectare per year and has been classified into three erosion severity classes as very low, low and moderate. Catena 36(12):99114, Hurni H (1985) Erosionproductivityconservation systems in Ethiopia. But, the data on rainfall kinetic energy and rainfall intensity are limited in Ethiopia to compute rainfall erosivity. The mean soil loss rate (2.2 ton/ha/year) of Dijo watershed has been classified into three soil erosion severity classes based on the classification of WBISPP (2011) for effective watershed management planning. implementations of sustainable soil conservation and management system in the R_factor has been calculated for each station using mean annual rainfall data from regression equation developed by Kaltenrieder (2007) to Ethiopian conditions as shown in Equation [3-1] below using inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Interpolation, with 12 neighborhoods in spatial analyst tool. Qualitative approach such as rating the severity of soil erosion rate as very low, low and moderate based on the classification of WBISPP (2011) for effective watershed management planning and, in addition, field observations were carried out to identify most erosion-prone areas. trailer 2009), extensive deforestation as the result of fuel wood demand and grazing into steep land areas (Amsalu et al. Soil erosion is a serious problem in Ethiopia. Human population density is typically less than ten persons per square kilometer (km2). 0000001298 00000 n all parameters had been analyzed and soil loss from the area was calculated (Fig. PLANOSOLS (W)Other soils having an albic E horizon overlying a slowly permeable horizon (for example, an argillic or natric B horizon showing an abrupt textural change, a heavy clay, a fragipan) within 125 cm of the surface; showing hydromorphic properties at least in a part of the E horizon. Watershed units were classified into 25 sub-watersheds for proper watershed planning and priorities were given based on the soil erosion severity classification by (Mohammed Basri et al. However, relief plays a significant role in moderating temperature, so higher elevations experience weather typical of temperate zones. In: Pilger A, Rosler A (eds) Afar depression of Ethiopia. Land degradation in the form of soil erosion is the major problems affecting agricultural productivity., Cerd A, Doerr SH (2008) The effect of ash and needle cover on surface runoff and erosion in the immediate post-fire period. Sci Total Env 486486:164179, Osmaston HA, Mitchell WA, Osmaston NJA (2005) Quaternary glaciations of the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia. /Descent -212 1997). 0000003988 00000 n Regosols and Lithosols. A brief description of the natural vegetation is provided as well. 0000017283 00000 n <>stream and river banks have been identified as the most erosion vulnerable areas. The only purely endemic mammal is a gerbil, Gerbillus acticola. Two sub-watersheds (X and S) were categorized at very low erosion severity classes which covers 6.58% from total watershed areas. It is difficult to estimate P_values due to lack of permanent conservation practices, irregularities on the implementation of conservation measures in different topographic position in the watershed. Paolo Billi . Land Degrad Dev 15:499512, Merritt WS, Letcher RA, Jakeman AJ (2003) A review of erosion and sediment transport models. The World Bank, Environmentally Sustainable Development Division, AFTES Working Paper No. The weight of each parameter was calculated using an 8 8 pairwise comparison matrix. 121142). 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 556]>> Lack of moisture and shallow profile preclude cultivation of these soils. The Genwarar trees are seldom above eight feet in height, and from a distance could give the appearance or shape of a human being. 2018). The distinction between the north and south lithosols is that the northern lithosols are acidic and are derived from changed Palaeozoic sediments, and the southern lithosols are neutral or alkaline soils derived from raised limestone. Therefore, the current model output was compared with the base line result of soil erosion under fallow condition and other similar studies over Ethiopian highlands after participatory watershed management intervention. << The soil loss range of Dijo watershed is from 0 to 38.09 ton/ha/year. Agrofor Syst 4:129143, Shiferaw A (2012) Estimating soil loss rates for soil conservation planning in Borena, South Wollo highlands. Part of Springer Nature. a mangrove forest, reeds or sedges). 8 0 obj According to Hurni et al. In the central highlands of Ethiopia, the main soil parent material is olivine basalt of tertiary age. Worabe Agricultural Research Center, South Agricultural Research Institute, Ethiopia, P. BOX. Cambisols having permafrost within 200 cm of the surface, Other Cambisols showing hydromorphic properties within 100 cm of the surface, Other Cambisols showing vertic properties, Other Cambisols showing one or more of the following: a calcic horizon or a gypsic horizon or concentrations of soft powdery lime within 125 cm of the surface when the weighted average textural class is coarse, within 90 cm for medium textures, within 75 cm for fine textures; calcareous at least between 20 and 50 cm from the surface, Other Cambisols having an umbric A horizon which is thicker than 25 cm when a cambic B horizon is lacking, Other Cambisols having a cambic B horizon with ferralic properties, Other Cambisols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by NH4OAc) at least in some part of the B horizon, Other Cambisols which have a strong brown to red B horizon (rubbed soil has a hue of 7.5YR and a chroma of more than 4, or a hue redder than 7.5YR), Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa. The fourth biome is desert steppe vegetation, which covers portions of the Denakil Plain. Soil OC was analyzed by wet digestion method (Walkley and Black 1934), and total N was determined by a modified micro- recognize at the highest level of classification three major types of mountain soils: Lithosols, Rendzinas and Rankers. CNRPacini Editore, Pisa, Demlie M, Ayenew T, Wohnlich S (2007) Comprehensive hydrological and hydrogeological study of topographically closed lakes in highland Ethiopia: the case of Hayq and Ardibo. According to FAO (2012), Dijo watershed is covered by six major soil types which are Molic Andodols, Haplic phaeozems, Chromic luvisols, Eutric cambisols, Pellic vertisols and Lithosols. /BaseFont /ArialMT 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Environ Manag 50:679694. 6, annual R value ranges between 376 and 465 MJmm/ha/year. 0000005613 00000 n /Leading 150 According to the Ethiopian highland reclamation study report, 27 million ha or almost 50% of the highland area was significantly eroded, 14 million ha seriously eroded and over 2 million ha beyond reclamation (Assefa et al. None of these Soil Groups had further subdivisions. The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The highest Ethiopian mountain is Ras Dejen at 4,550m with the second highest peak of Kidis Yared at 4,453m; other notable peaks include Mount Biuat at 4,437m. The Simien Mountains are remarkable as being one of the few spots in tropical Africa where snow regularly falls. The finding was also consistent with the finding of Belayneh et al. The slope steepness of the study watershed ranges from 0 to 57%. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. After analyzing all model parameters, areas in steeper Finally, the raster map has been reclassified based on their erodibility values. 10). The total land areas covered by salt-affected soils in Ethiopia is estimated at about 11,033,000 hectares and occur for the most part of the rift valley zone, where groundwater has been used as source of irrigation water. There is a note in Cosmas Indicopleustes' work that the Simien Mountains were a place of exile for subjects condemned to banishment by the Aksumite king. [dubious discuss][5]. Soil degradation in the Kastanozems having an argillic B horizon; a calcic horizon may underlie the B horizon, Other Kastanozems having a calcic or gypsic horizon. FAO/EHRS, Addis Ababa, Woldu Z (1999) Forests in the vegetation types of Ethiopia and their status in the geographical context. Free grazing and cultivation of steep slope(Northern parts) contributed for moderate soil erosion in the watershed should be managed by cutcarry system, limiting the number of cattle units to be grazed in the specific plot of land and leaving the marginal steep slope areas with no ground covers for natural regeneration. Lithosols were defined as: "soils other than Histosols that were limited in depth by continuous coherent and hard rock within 10 cm of the soil surface." Correspondence to household uses due to increasing population ultimately lead to severe soil The sediment delivery ratio (SDR) denotes the ratio of the sediment yield at a given stream cross section to the gross erosion from the watershed upstream from the measuring point (Julien and Frenette 1998)., Tessema I (2011)Soil erosion risk assessment with RUSLE and GIS in Dire Dam Watershed (unpublished), Tsegaye G, Gebremichael A (2014) Review on overall status of soil and water conservation system and its constraints in different agro ecology of southern Ethiopia. They are often referred to as skeletal soils or, in the United Nations FAO soil classification, as lithosols. /Subtype /TrueType 0000002547 00000 n CHERNOZEMS (C)Other soils having a mollic A horizon with a moist chroma of 2 or less to a depth of at least IS cm; having one or more of the following: a calcic or a gypsic horizon, or concentrations of soft powdery lime within 125 cm of the surface when the weighted average textural class is coarse, within 90 cm for medium textures, within 75 cm for fine textures. 2018. (2019) in (Table5). stream All four species are found in the Western and Eastern highlands in numbers ranging from a few hundred for the walia ibex to a few thousand for the others. This paper tries to put together soil acidity concept, causes, extent and management practices. East. PODZOLUVISOLS (D)Other soils having an argillic B horizon showing an irregular or broken upper boundary resulting from deep tonguing of the E into the B horizon or from the formation of discrete nodules (ranging from 2 to 5 cm up to 30 cm in diameter) the exteriors of which are enriched and weakly cemented or indurated with iron and having redder hues and stronger chromas than the interiors. The moderate soil erosion in Litho sols should be managed by applying the practices of increasing water-holding capacity through inter-cropping, mulching. Omissions? Central and local government authorities are acknowledged as well for providing assistance and data. 1). In: Braimoh AK, Vlek PLG (eds)Landuseand soilresources. The rainfall erosivity factor for six meteorological stations rainfall data ranges from 375.06 to 486.96 for the rainfall of distribution of 912.40mm1220.44mm, respectively, as shown in (Table6 and Fig. Ferrasols having plinthite within 125 cm of the surface, Other Ferralsols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by NH4OAc) in at least a part of the B horizon within 100 cm of the surface; having an umbric A horizon or a high organic matter content in the B horizon, or both, Other Ferralsols having a cation exchange capacity (from NH4C1) of 1.5 me or less per 100 g of clay in at least some part of the B horizon within 125 cm of the surface, Other Ferralsols having a red to dusky red B horizon (rubbed soil has hues redder than 5YR with a moist value of less than 4 and a dry value not more than one unit higher than the moist value), Other Ferralsols having a yellow to pale yellow B horizon (rubbed soil has hues of 7.5YR or yellower with a moist value of 4 or more and a moist ., Setegn SG, Yohannes F, Quraishi S, Chowdary VM, Mal BC (2009) Impact of land use/land cover transformations on Alemaya Lake, Ethiopia. /Author (Bianca Marthinus) 0000002344 00000 n As a suggestion of floral richness, an estimated 825 to 950 species have been observed in Djibouti, although many of these have been found only in the small outlying patches of the Ethiopian montane forests. Model. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in they border the large areas of Nitosols in the western highlands and Lithosols in the Harerge highlands and a large patch in the northeast., DOI:, eBook Packages: Earth and Environmental ScienceEarth and Environmental Science (R0). Vachellia tortilis, Vachellia nubica, and Balanites aegyptiaca grow as scattered trees or shrubs on the sandy plains. . 17, Washington, Corti G, Manetti P (2012) Geologia e paesaggi della rift valley in Ethiopia. In: Abebe Y, Geheb K (eds) Wetlands of Ethiopia. NITOSOLS (N)Other soils having an argillic B horizon with a clay distribution where the percentage of clay does not decrease from its maximum amount by as much as 20 percent within 150 cm of the surface; lacking plinthite within 125 cm of the surface; lacking vertic and ferric properties. 0 0 0 0 0 0 278]>> Samples of black, soft soil predominating the study area were. Land Degrad Dev 12:519539, Lu D, Li G, Valladares GS, Batistella M (2004) Mapping soil erosion risk in Rondonia, Brazilian Amazonia: using RUSLE, remote sensing and GIS. Acrisols having plinthite within 125 cm of the surface, Other Acrisols showing hydromorphic properties within 50 cm of the surface, Other Acrisols having an umbric A horizon or a high organic matter content in the B horizon, or both. Ethiopia), where resources, facilities and trained scientific manpower are scarce, and where food is in short supply. Nitosols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by NH4OAc) in at least a part of the B horizon within 125 cm of the surface; having an umbric A horizon or a high organic matter content in the B horizon, or both, Other Nitosols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by NH4OAc) in at least a part of the B horizon within 125 cm of the surface. PODZOLS (P)Other soils having a spodic B horizon. The result is consistent with the finding of Bekele et al. 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Amsalu, T. and Mengaw, A. xZr}W#P%!}erH&-;0..+_ C\p0c&g4fi" Gf3{y~"X?P|/sI4$i7"~}tfo rv7WFs+sgoWjY_Tg%YpL`].w57{v=K}/ND*/~^F0Ex'e*$>zJPJp9y,j\jQl:{%`}FhF.qO. Digital elevation map of the study watershed. ANDOSOLS (T) Other soils having either a mollic or an umbric A horizon possibly overlying a cambic B horizon, or an ochric A horizon and a cambic B horizon; having no other diagnostic horizons (unless buried by 50 cm or more new material); having to a depth of 35 cm or more one or both of: (a) a bulk density (at 1/3-bar water retention) of the fine earth (less than 2 mm) fraction of the soil of less than 0.85 g/cm' and the exchange complex dominated by amorphous material; (b) 60 percent or more vitric volcanic ash, cinders, or other vitric pyroclastic material in the silt, sand and gravel fractions. /Filter [/FlateDecode], Amsalu A, Stroosnijder L, de Graaf J (2007) Long-term dynamics in land resource use and the driving forces in the Beressa watershed, highlands of Ethiopia. Ras Dejen (4,533m), Bwahit (4,430m) and Silki (4,420m) were formed from the outer core of this ancient volcano. These soils are formed from volcanic material and, with proper management, have medium to high potential for rain-fed agriculture. Socio-economic and environmental issues. There are many species of interest, including the endemic Archer's lark (Heteromirafra archeri), a species of dragon tree (Dracaena ombet), and a large suite of desert ungulates, including the last viable population of African wild ass (Equus africanus somalicus). This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Updates? The Simien Mountains were formed prior to the creation of the Rift Valley, from lava outpourings between 40 and 25 million years ago during the Oligocene period. The characteristics of soil, watershed topography (gently sloping and sloping), lack of vegetation cover, cultivation of steep slope without engineering measures, free grazing and sand extraction contributed for moderate soil erosion. Ecol Process. /StemH 78 The people would never cut these trees, owing to a superstitious belief that something bad would befall them as consequence. 64 years mean annual rainfall data for estimating . slope with Lithosols, Eutric Nitosols, Orthic Luvisols, croplands, bare lands Litosol soil on Okinawa is broken down into North and South Lithosols and they are the focus of this Earth Cache. Senegalia mellifera and Rhigozum somalense grow as shrubs or small trees on basaltic lava fields. Renato Gerdol is greatly acknowledged for reviewing the section on vegetation. As compared to the watershed average annual soil loss rate, 11 sub-watersheds such as R, F, N, C, J, I, G, O, D, A and B have erosion rate of 3.1 ton/ha/year which is above the watershed mean (2.2 ton/ha/year). Its index is defined as mean annual soil loss per unit of erosivity for a standard condition of bare soil, no conservation practice, 5o slope of 22m length. /FontName /Arial-ItalicMT Histosols having permafrost within 200 cm of the surface, Other Histosols having a Ph H2O, (1:5) of less than 5.5, at least in some part of the soil between 20 and 50 cm from the surface. The result reveals that the soil loss ranges from 0 ton/ha/year in flat slope to 38.09 ton/ha/year from steep slopes. 2} } \right), $$,, Soil erosion and sediment yield assessment using RUSLE and GIS-based approach in Anjeb watershed, Northwest Ethiopia, Application of revised universal soil loss equation model for assessment of soil erosion and prioritization of ravine infested sub basins of a semi-arid river system in India, Geospatial assessment of soil erosion intensity and sediment yield: a case study of Potohar Region, Pakistan, Estimation of soil loss using remote sensing and GIS-based universal soil loss equation in northern catchment of Lake Tana Sub-basin, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Northwest Ethiopia, Soil erosion estimation using RUSLE and GIS techniquesa study of a plateau fringe region of tropical environment, Estimation of soil erosion and sediment yield concentration across the Kolleru Lake catchment using GIS, Estimating water erosion using RUSLE, GIS and remote sensing in Wadi-Qandeel river basin, Lattakia, Syria, Potential soil erosion estimation and area prioritization for better conservation planning in Gumara watershed using RUSLE and GIS techniques, Spatial distribution of soil erosion and sediment yield in the Pra River Basin,,,,,,

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