hamilton v papakura district council

64]. 6. The House of Lords unanimously rejected that argument. 60. Common practise of a trade is highly influential, but not decisive. change. The extraordinarily broad scope of the proposed duty provides one decisive reason for rejecting the claims in negligence. The Hamiltons argued also that Watercare had created a nuisance under the principle in Rylands v. Fletcher. That makes no commercial sense. System caused flooding. Bag of sugar fell on plaintiff's head. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. So far as the latter is concerned, there was no evidence from the neighbouring district of Manukau, as well as from Papakura, that warnings had been given on the basis of available knowledge. )(.65)x(.35)5x, where n!=(n)(n1)(n2)(2)(1)n !=(n)(n-1)(n-2) \cdots(2)(1)n!=(n)(n1)(n2)(2)(1) and 0!=10 !=10!=1. Hardwick Game Farm v. Suffolk Agricultural Poultry Producers' Association Ltd. - see Kendall (Henry) & Sons (A Firm) v. Lillico (William) & Sons Ltd. Munshaw Colour Service Ltd. v. Vancouver (City) (1962), 33 D.L.R. (New Zealand) The claimants sought damages. Defendants were not liable for driving a lorry with a negligently fastened jack to an emergency callout, when the jack moved and hit the plaintiff. 51. A lawyer may be liable for breach of duty if you can prove that they did not act as a reasonable barrister would have (concerned the acceptance of a settlement). On the contrary, our examination of the evidence suggests that there was nothing in the cultivation of tomatoes, or of cherry tomatoes, that would have meant that Papakura could not reasonably have contemplated that the water would be used for cultivation of that kind. Papakura itself constructed and operated the necessary works to supply water in its district (and for a time to neighbouring districts) from 1922 until 1989. Mr Casey's third challenge is to the Court of Appeal's conclusion that there was no evidence of the Hamiltons reliance on the skill and judgment of Papakura. Torts - Topic 60 There is no suggestion of any breach of those Standards or indeed of any statutory requirements. As requested by Mr Casey (in the event of the appeal failing), the question of costs is reserved. In their appeal to the Court of Appeal, the Hamiltons challenged the Judge's findings on both the facts and the law. Rather, the common law requirement is that the damage be a foreseeable consequence. AG v PYA Quarries Ltd [1957] 2 QB 169, 184 per Romer LJ (CA) cited in Stephen Todd (ed) The Law of Torts in New Zealand (3 ed, Brookers, Wellington, 2001) 535. No such duty was established. This paper outlines the categories of potential legal liability at common law, and in statute. [para. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the discussion and see a list of open tasks. They contend, however, that they made that purpose known by implication . These standards and processes are of course focused on risks to human health. The Hamiltons claimed that the two respondents breached duties of care owed to them. p(x)=(5!)(.65)x(.35)5x(x! The defendant appealed a finding that he was liable in damages. View Rylands v Fletcher.pdf from LAW 241 at Auckland. CA held that the defendant was physically incapable of taking care and was NOT responsible. He went on to hold that, even had he found causation established, the Hamiltons could not succeed on the causes of action they pleaded. They must make sure that the treatment is not HARMFUL by checking orthodox research. As Lord Sumner pointed out in Manchester Liners Ltd v Rea Ltd [1922] 2 AC 74, 90 the words of section 16(a) are 'so as to show not and shows . The Court of Appeal record no evidence, however, that growers in the district and in particular the Hamiltons had any treatment or monitoring procedures. 17. With respect to contractual liability of the town, the Hamiltons relied on s. 16(a) of the Sale of Goods Act (i.e., the Hamiltons alleged that the town breached an implied term in its contract for the supply of water suitable for horticultural use). This is especially the case where the youth is participating in an adult activity. Indeed there is no evidence that it ever occurred to the Hamiltons that drinking water might not be suitable for their tomatoes. A person suffering an incapacity who willingly puts themselves in a position to cause harm WILL be held to be negligent. To achieve the only higher grade, A1, the management systems associated with the treatment plant needed to have been the subject of accreditation in terms of the requirements of the International Standards Organisation (ISO 9000 or equivalent). 49]. Hamilton v Papakura District Council and Watercare Services Ltd: PC 28 Feb 2002 (New Zealand) The claimants sought damages. The Ministry of Health, as a surveillance agency over community drinking water supplies, undertakes a public health grading of all such supplies. Norsildmel were, accordingly, held liable to Christopher Hill for breach of the warranty in section 14(1). The tests are for chemical and related matters. [para. Nuisance - Water pollution - General - [See Proof of negligence - Solar energy cells. Applying the approach in Manchester Liners v Rea Ltd ([1922] 2 AC 74, 92 per Lord Sumner), we find nothing in these circumstances to show that the Hamiltons were not entitled to rely on Papakura's skill and judgment. It necessarily has some characteristics in common Social value - saving life or limb can justify taking a significant risk. 18. The statutory requirement goes a step further. 1963). IMPORTANT:This site reports and summarizes cases. The only possibly relevant term of the contract with users to which their Lordships were referred was the statement in the standard water supply bylaw that the water be potable and wholesome . However, the Court continued, that proposition did not avoid, indeed it emphasised the importance of, the statutory requirement that the particular purpose be made known by the buyer to the seller. Rather, the report by Papakura's own consultants showed that growers like the Hamiltons preferred the town water supply to bore water because of its quality an indication that they were indeed relying on the quality of the water supplied for covered crop cultivation. While that conclusion supported the Hamiltons claim, the next, critical sentence and two supporting paragraphs did not: 13. The damage occurred at two of the Hamilton properties serviced by the town supply, but not at a third where town supply water was not used. Subjective test. Lists of cited by and citing cases may be incomplete. It was easy enough to fix the leak, and the defendants should have done this. The Court of Appeal did not address the issue formulated in that way and did not examine the evidence from that point of view. Such knowledge might indeed arise directly from the Drinking Water Standards : for instance, those for 1984 had expressly stated that, while the safe level of boron for human intake is 5g/m3, some glasshouse plants are damaged above 0.5g/m3. Open web Background Video encyclopedia About us | Privacy Home Flashback Hamilton and M.P. Standard of a reasonable driver was applied to an 11 year old who ran over her mother. 39]. Cas. Cir. The coal supplied was unsuitable for the steamer and she had to return to port, with the result that the plaintiffs suffered loss. It was a bulk supplier. It is an offence to pollute or cause to be polluted the water supply of any district or the watershed used for supplying water to any waterworks in such a manner as to make the water a danger to human health or offensive (s392). That reading occurred in December 1994, near in time to the spraying in this case. Proof of negligence - Res Ispa Loquitur "the thing speaks for itself". One-eyed garage mechanic who injured his good eye at work and went blind. Medway Oil and Storage Co. v. Silica Gel Corp. (1928), 33 Com. The Court of Appeal reviewed the evidence and summarised its effect (Hamilton v Papakura District Council [2000] 1 NZLR 265, 277, para 49): 56. [paras. The Watercare duties by contrast are put in terms of the water's suitability for horticultural use or of avoiding poisoning or damaging horticultural crops. He summarised the approach to be applied in this way ([1969] 2 AC 31, 115E). 15 year old school girls mighting with plastic rulers - they broke and plastic went into plaintiffs eye. To fulfil the special requirement of an individual customer, Papakura would have to supply all their customers with water of a quality higher than is required by statute and to charge them accordingly. Although the decision in Hamilton v Papakura District Councilruled that no liability exists where it is not possible to foresee the type of damage caused, this case is clearly distinguished for the above reason. Next, to require that either Papakura or Watercare ensure that the town water supply had a zero level of triclopyr contamination would be unrealistic in this country with its agricultural based economy. 6 In the footnotes: 31]. The mere happening of the event is proof of negligence. Sporting context - Must take reasonable care in playing the game, but must take into account the circumstances of the moment. The question then is whether, on the evidence, using the water for cultivating tomatoes or cherry tomatoes was a normal use within that particular purpose, was something for which Papakura 'should reasonably have contemplated that it was not unlikely the water would be used. Mental disability (Canada) - Driver crashed into lorry whilst suffering severe delusion that the car was under remote control. In the end, this case is a narrow one to be determined on its own facts. b. 25. Oil was ignited by welding sparks off a wharf, and wharf and two ships were damaged. The manager accepted that, if he became aware of users who believed the water was pure enough for their needs and had reason to believe that might not be so, he would feel obliged to advise them of the risk. [para. We remind ourselves of two further points. 11, 56]. This article is within the scope of WikiProject New Zealand, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of New Zealand and New Zealand-related topics on Wikipedia. Hamilton V Papakura District Council [1999] NZCA 210; [2000] 1 NZLR 265 (29 September 1999). Kellogg, Brown & Root Services, Inc. v. Secretary of the Army, 973 F.3d 1366, 1370-71 (Fed. D V to: ataahua ratio and justin generis senior partners at quid pro quo and associates from: diane vidallon re: insatiable insects to succeed under the ruling Flashcards. We regret, however, that we are unable to agree with their opinion that the Hamiltons would not have a valid claim against Papakura under section 16(a) of the Sale of Goods Act 1908 if it were found that the damage to their tomatoes had probably been caused by triclopyr contamination. The defendants argued that the condition was negatived because the plaintiffs knew that the supplies of coal available to the defendants were limited and might indeed be confined to the cargo of coal carried on one particular vessel. An alternative to lists of cases, the Precedent Map makes it easier to establish which ones may be of most relevance to your research and prioritise further reading. Hamilton and M.P. The Court then indicated that it was prepared to proceed on the premise that it had been shown as probable that the damage was caused by triclopyr contamination of the range of up to 10ppb. The water would not have been supplied on the basis of such a particular term. Torts - Topic 2004 The Court referred to its conclusion that the High Court was correct in deciding that the damage complained of was not reasonably foreseeable as required to establish liability in negligence. The appellants emphasise that only one percent of water is ingested by humans and question why the other 99% should not be subject to any standard. Papakura distributes its water to more than 38,000 people in its district. Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead, Lord Hutton, Lord Rodger of Earlsferry, Sir Andrew Leggatt and Sir Kenneth Keith. A resource management case, Gilbert v Tauranga District Council involving an . 330, refd to. The legislation in terms of which the respondents supply the water is part of the context in which all of the Hamiltons claims, and in particular those in negligence, are to be seen. It necessarily has some characteristics in common 3 H.L. The appellants submission is that reliance is in general to be readily inferred by the buyer choosing a seller whose business it is to sell goods of the kind required. Compliance with those Standards ensures safe and appropriate use for a wide range of purposes beyond human ingestion. Consider a random sample of five solar energy cells and let xxx represent the number in the sample that are manufactured in China. In this context, Papakura also called attention to one of its water sources which had been closed in June 1995, a bore source in Drury. 0 Reviews. Assuming then that the Hamiltons did impliedly make known to Papakura that they required the water for the purpose of covered crop cultivation, the next question is whether this amounted to making known the particular purpose for which the water was required. Autex Industries Ltd. v. Auckland City Council, [2000] N.Z.A.R. [1] 1 relation: Autex Industries Ltd v Auckland City Council. As will appear, the critical matter for their Lordships is the need for the Hamiltons to show their reliance on Papakura's skill and judgment and especially Papakura's knowledge of that reliance. Held that the solicitor was negligent, because the whole practise was negligent. (There was some question whether the 1984 rather than the 1995 Standards were applicable. Escapes 63]. 57. The law of negligence was never intended to impose such costs and impracticability. 520 (Aust. 1. was the thing brought onto land 2. thing likely to do mischief 3. for own purpose 4. Was Drugs-Are-Us negligent? Torts - Topic 2004 It may be the subject of written memoranda, which should be filed in accordance with a timetable to be laid down by the Registrar. Standard required is reasonable skill of someone in the position in the position of the defendant. As Mr Casey says, it can be no defence to a claim in negligence that the person inflicting the damage did not know the level of toxicity at which injury might result. ), refd to. Learn. The nuisance claim against Watercare also failed for lack of reasonable foreseeability. H.C.), refd to. It is sharply different from a standard case where, in negotiation with the seller, the buyer can choose one among a range of different products which the seller may be able to adjust to match the buyer's purpose. 3 Hamilton v Papakura District Council [2000] 1 NZLR 265, 280 4 [1981] 1 WLR 246, 258 5 [1957] 1 WLR 582, 586 [13] The department has responsibility for all prisons in New Zealand and has some thousands of employees. Watercare in its statement of defence responded that the bulk water which it supplied to Papakura was potable and complied with the 1995 Standards. 216, footnote 141]. 34]. H Hamilton v Papakura District Council Hart v O'Connor J Jennings v Buchanan L Lange v Atkinson Lee v Lee's Air Farming Ltd M Meridian Global Funds Management Asia Ltd v Securities Commission Money v Ven-Lu-Ree Ltd N NZ Shipping Co Ltd v A M Satterthwaite & Co Ltd Neylon v Dickens P Pratt Contractors Ltd v Transit New Zealand Torts - Topic 60 However, as the Court of Appeal remarked in Bullock, when rejecting a similar argument on behalf of the sawmill. Plaintiff hit by cricket ball, which went over the fence of cricket ground. Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead, Lord Hutton, Lord Rodger of Earlsferry, Sir Andrew Leggatt and Sir Kenneth Keith if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'swarb_co_uk-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',114,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-swarb_co_uk-medrectangle-3-0'); Times 05-Mar-2002, [2002] 3 NZLR 308, [2002] BCL 310, Appeal No 57 of 2000, [2002] UKPC 9if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'swarb_co_uk-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-swarb_co_uk-medrectangle-4-0'); PC, (1) G.J. Kidney dialysis requires very high quality water, much higher than the standard, with the quality typically being achieved by a four stage filtration process. Only full case reports are accepted in court. Standard of reasonable adult is usually applied to 15-16 year olds. According to the statement of claim, Watercare had duties: 29. 43. (2d) 719 (S.C.C. ), refd to. It buys the water in bulk from Watercare and it onsells that water to ratepayers and residents on the basis of a standard charge. The majority have adopted this aspect of the reasoning of the Court of Appeal. 2. Explore contextually related video stories in a new eye-catching way. Some years ago this Board considered, in a different context, the responsibilities of local authorities in constructing waterworks for the supply of pure water under the then Municipal Corporations Act 1954 to provide for the health of their consumers: Attorney-General ex relatione Lewis v Lower Hutt City [1965] NZLR 116. The court must, however, consider all the relevant evidence. Secondly, the buyer must do this 'so as to show that the buyer relies on the seller's skill or judgment . Rylands v. Fletcher (1868), L.R. Despite one particular passage in the speech of Lord Reid in Hardwick Game Farm ([1969] 2 AC 31, 81), as Lord Pearce noted in the same case, the trend of authority has inclined towards an assumption of reliance wherever the seller knows of the particular purpose ([1969] 2 AC 31, 115G H). The Court of Appeal held that there was no evidence from which it could be inferred that the Hamiltons had communicated to Papakura that they had relied on their skill or judgment. Attorney General ex rel. According to the Earth Policy Institute (July 2014), 65%65 \%65% of the world's solar energy cells are manufactured in China. See [2000] 1 NZLR 265, 278, para 53. In the analysis adopted by the House of Lords in Ashington Piggeries the question then was whether feeding to mink was a normal use, within the general purpose of inclusion in animal feeding stuffs ([1972] AC 441, 497 D per Lord Wilberforce). ), refd to. Learn. Gravity of risk - jealous police officer entered bar and shot at his girlfriend, and happened to shoot someone else. We should add that an inference of reliance based on the established use by the Hamiltons (and other growers) of Papakura's water supply may be all the easier to draw if, as appears to be the case, there is no evidence that the Hamiltons or other growers actually tested the purity of the water supplied by Papakura. The Court of Appeal held ([2000] 1 NZLR 265, 276, para 42) that, to avail the Hamiltons, any implied term would need to be that the water supplied was suitable for their particular horticultural use . As pleaded, Papakura had. ]. Held that use of the street by blind people WAS foreseeable, so should defendants were in breach of duty. . Hamilton v. Papakura District Council (2002), 295 N.R. Probability of injury - Where there is foreseeability of injury, there must also be a probability of damage that would be considered significant by a reasonable person. The facts do not raise any wider issue of policy about s16. Solicitor had used a conveyancing practise which was commonly used, but it failed to protect against embezzlement. It concluded its discussion of this head of claim as follows: 15. The service to Papakura is set to cost $12.20 one way for passengers from Hamilton. Two of the criteria for the grading are that continuous quality monitoring is installed and that the treatment plant should be operated and managed by appropriately qualified personnel. Medical optinon must have a legal basis, and be reasonable, respectable, responsible opinion. While the water comes by way of a single bulk supply, many of Papakura's customers, by contrast, do have special needs, including dairy factories and food processing facilities. Found Hamilton & Anor v. Papakura District Council (New Zealand) useful? 46. The water from that bore had been historically high in the element boron which is generally safe for human consumption at the level present but completely unsuitable for horticulture. Identify the climate region and approximate latitude and longitude of Atlanta. VERY rare occurrence. Advanced A.I. Hamilton & Anor v. Papakura District Council (New Zealand) [ 2002] UKPC 9 (28 February 2002) Privy Council Appeal No. Aucun commentaire n'a t trouv aux emplacements habituels. Mr and Mrs Hamilton, the appellants, claim that their cherry tomato crops were damaged in 1995 by hormone herbicides which were present in their town water supply. 19. [para. After hearing extensive evidence over more than three weeks, Williams J held that it had not been proved that the maximum concentration of any of the herbicides at the inlet tower in the lake or at the Papakura Filter Station or in the town supply ever came near the concentrations of herbicide shown by scientific results to be necessary to cause damage to cherry tomatoes grown hydroponically. Test. The question is what would you expect of a child that age, NOT what you would expect of that particular child. Hamilton v Papakura District Council . Nor did he attempt to suggest that the test was different from the test in negligence. This ground of appeal accordingly fails. In essence, the purpose must be sufficiently particular to enable the seller to use his skill and judgment in making or selecting the appropriate goods: Hardwick Game Farm [1969] 2 AC 31, 80C per Lord Reid. If a footnote is at the end of a sentence, the footnote number follows the full stop. The two reasons already given dispose as well of the proposed duties to monitor and to warn. Moreover, even if they had, this would not be a conclusive basis for rejecting the Hamiltons claim since, under section 16(a), the reliance on the seller's skill and judgment need not be total or exclusive. Hamilton v Papakura District Council (CM 97) NZ Court of Appeal Foreseeability of harm Facts There were growers of cherry tomatoes They were growing the tomatoes hydroponically They were spraying chemicals (weed spray), and was a lot of spraying around big lake The lake supplied some of the water for the cherry tomatoes (hydroponic) A The decision of the court was delivered on February 28, 2002, including the following opinions: Sir Kenneth Keith (Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead and Sir Andrew Leggatt, concurring) - See paragraphs 1 to 51; Lord Hutton and Lord Rodger of Earlsferry, dissenting - See paragraphs 52 to 70. 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