draco takes care of sick hermione fanfiction

Trying to get on with her life, she keeps seeing Malfoy in strange places. Harry starts searching for his son. This brings so many fights between the Weasley matriarch the 2 youngest Weasleys, Hermione and Harry. Their personal thoughts not so personal anymore. Something's not right. [TOMT][book][2010] A book I read in elementary about a kid who takes a test to see if he had magic but scores a 0/7 and is hunted by the government because hes deemed useless. Lord Voldemort dies after going after the Potters on that Samhain leaving just Harry alive. Draco is cursed in the battle of Hogwarts with unhealable injuries all over his body. It becomes a routine that is somehow exactly what they both need. EDITING AND REVIEWING SOME PARTS. A sickening thud echoed through the room as Snape hit the stone ground. It takes a while before she realizes this is her way to deal with the PTSD following the Battle. But its been a while. Then he saw black. Here Draco accepts the offer from Dumbledore to fake his own death and go into hiding. Hermione shook her head and pulled out her wand, muttering a quick alohamora, she entered his home and looked around. Enjoy! Please consider turning it on! The horrors of the war behind her, Hermione thinks nothing will stop herfrom pursuing her education. They both need a change, and both decide to go to the same muggle coffee shop. They were put in Slytherin because they wanted to prove themselves and had overwhelming ambition. It was just a day in Hogwarts, the Gryffindors and Slytherin were having their potion class together. Once more, there was no response. And for some reason, his magic, his soul, his mind, doesn't feel safe locked up in Grimmauld Place with Ron and Hermione. I make a story based on a meme because, why not? Who doesn't love a story where Lucius Malfoy is a Veela and Harry is a mate? Her last pastry mission: the Malfoys. Hermione is in desperate need of money to bring her parents back from Australia, and when Narcissa offers her a job attempting to cure Draco, she has no choice but to take it. DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters Harry recently told Ginny and Ron he was gay and then being the close minded gits they were turned him away. Post-war fic with Draco slowly wasting away from a curse, and being really down on his luck. When Draco is transformed into a baby during a potions incident, who will truly be there for him? love this article! Over time, a friendship forms, as morning coffee and blueberry scones bring them together. He grumbled in responses, he just wanted to be left alone and sleep. Draco is alpha daddy5000 9999.999999/10000 Trashy plot but entertaining nonetheless. By the time that Draco was moaning and panting, pounding into the doll, every single girl in the room was wishing it were she that he was pounding into. Self rec, https://archiveofourown.org/works/30318162/chapters/74730492. As Hermione gets up close and personal with the Malfoy family, she has to differentiate between the horrible boy she used to know and the man Draco is now. The de-aging spell. He saw it coming from a mile away. Almost two years after the war, Hermione feels lost and overwhelmed navigating her newfound fame while battling it out to make changes in the wizarding world. For those who are unfamiliar, The. Also, note that there are a lot of explicit smut-focused Dramione fanfics out there, but this list is relatively tame. She slashed at him with her wand, a faint glow emanating from the tip. On the anniversary of the battle at Hogwarts, Draco is struggling with guilt relating to his Dark Mark and attempts to remove it, which is when Harry finds him. The dynamic is present nevertheless, and it is well-written with a solid structure and plot. Passionate about reading fiction? Sirius Black is one of few people that knows what's happened. Idea thats been bouncing around my head, may not go anywhere but this gives me something to focus on. Voldemort is dead. Each new night comes with a new nightmare from Harry, the two quickly learning that Draco is not seeing Harry's nightmares but his darkest memories every so off tend Snape always accuses Harry being like his father, a arrogant bully. A rocky foundation. Sweetly broken. Severus Snape is Not a Professor. As they work together, they come across some very unusual situations where they have to trust each other. Hermione is sent as an enslaved surrogate to the High Reeve, where she constantly is searching for ways that she could help the Order. There's also the matter that Snape wouldn't be all that pleased and while Harry has definitely made some questionable choices he's not suicidal. Because even though Hermione would have given him the moon, Astoria was his sun. Work Search: Draco es uno de esos afortunados, en medio de la guerra el tener un alma gemela es un gran consuelo hasta que, en la batalla final Draco deja de escuchar la voz de su pareja. Super funny/fluffy fic, Commonalities of the Coldest Kind, A Kingdom Beside the Sea might fit in a way https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1PMZgkXc3m58ZJv0Wd1OiGQ689MMQReAr, This one is so beautiful. Draco Malfoy is up to something - Harry knows because the git didn't come to work today and didn't even tell HarryOr two idiots in love who bumble, fumble, and stumble their way into finally getting together. We used https://novelai.net/ to generate the AI art in this post but in some of the others we have used Midjourney. Severina had nothing left when she was ready to throw herself away and join the dark side, but an old 'friend' of hers reaches out to her for aid interfering with these plans, and opening a door to another life. But most of all, Hermione changes her idea about Draco and slowly they become friends. Hermione swiped at the tear that started to slide down her cheek. Press J to jump to the feed. Harry put one of his hand in Ginny's hair and the other on her back. This story is the first part of the Apple Pies and Other Amends Universe series. yes, this is a baby Draco story. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11829285/1/Far-Be-It-From-Me Its a story on the shorter side (15k,) but seems to match what youre hoping for! Work Search: Hermione put her quill down and took a deep breath. A story in which Hermione is humiliatingly subjugated by Draco Malfoy. She comes to find that there's a mess that's been left for her to clean up, that she must place the puzzles between. I clutched at the table in front of me. Draco says ridiculous. Press J to jump to the feed. (You can read it in english using a online translator as this one.However it will not be an accurate and error-free.I'm translating my story but I need a beta for the mistakes I'm surely making. It only gets worse when Draco realises that his father will be back in a month from Azkaban. At 11:59 pm on the night of July 30th in 1994, the wizarding and Muggle worlds were fast asleep, no one knowing what was about to come. Just the little things that seem to put Draco on edge whenever he is around Harry. But this is Hogwarts. There was Hermione glaring at him and Draco eating in his chair. I found this on AO3. Hermione gasped as she watched 16-year-old Harry change into 3-year-old Harry. Its 2023, the Harry Potter fandom is still growing strong, and it doesnt seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. Draco set the doll on the couch and then started doing everything he would have done. When one day, he rocks up with another kid in tow, Draco is faced with boiling jealousy and raging issues. "Go get her, tiger." She said laughing. Always touching and holding her throat and being possessive AF *sweats* 100/99 All You Wantby Senlinyu: Approach with caution, read only if you're an extremely horny person. Draco is one such person. One of my all time favorite, your lonely calls to me by senlinyu with art by Avendell, ~3k [post-war, Hermione visits Azkaban as a Healer in training, Draco's there as a prisoner], Punch-Drunk Love by uselessenglishmajor, ~4k [post-war, Draco doesn't have a wand anymore and spends his time Muggle street fighting, he comes to St Mungo's after one such fight]. How can a single smile make everything feel like itll turn out okay? Check out my Instagram. babydraco # 6 drarry cglre by lol 101K 1.9K 17 Harry is a caregiver, deciding he liked the idea of taking care of someone. For years, they dont cross paths, until one day when Draco sees Hermione walk in. "Hermione! https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12125463/1/Revert. Harry thinks Draco is cute when he's demanding. Hermione screamed. It is not a great fic, though. His family taught him to survive and to wear a mask. Pre-Hogwarts. Hermione indulges in self-destructive behaviour until she becomes pregnant with Draco's baby. Instead, she turned to James and said, "So, you're our deadbeat Dad?". Ginny and Harry's lips separated, started the looked up at the intruders. when faced with a 'bite-sized' problem, harry is taught by the smallest and unlikeliest of people how to laugh again. The final two were wide awake, staring at each other in the darkness, the only ones to feel that something was coming. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/17791060?view_adult=true. This story does have explicit content but it is mainly an incredible story that is very much worth reading! You can also subscribe without commenting. Please consider turning it on! I just love seeing dad Draco and how much he loves his son! Post-war AU where good triumphs over evil but corruption is still rampant. Hermiones a hot mess. When two boys, twins known for getting in trouble, came to Hogwarts, they were sorted based on the attributes they showed. After the war was over he started looking for a little. Break for Me by Ada_P_Rix. Draco is there to pick up the pieces and put him back together. Its important to note that the writer has given a trigger warning for violent deaths, rape, and references to torture. Grow up before you lose everyone who gives a shite-", A star will come,A star will fallThe word wonderful wont do the land justiceOh, my prince, the land far, far, afar-A star will comeTaking my prince to the wonderlandA star will fall. Ma c' un'altra famiglia che vorrebbe prendersi cura di lui. Draco has been raising Teddy peacefully on his own in a small cottage, but when he falls seriously ill, he writes a letter to the only person he could ever trust to take care of things, Harry Potter. So when he gets it on with his long time rival, everything changes and he finds himself questioning the impossible. Draco Malfoy is bedridden and has a cold and realizes he hasnt seen Potter in three days.And it starts driving him insane. Hermione and Dean are assigned to keep tabs on Draco and end up in some funny situations. Unfortunately, while setting a vindictive snowy owl on adult witches and wizards is amusing, it wouldn't help all that much in this situation. WIP. He then finds himself doing life with all of the main characters from the Harry Potter canon. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Side note!!!! She took a deep breath. Title: The Debt of Time by ShayaLonnie. Replies to my comments This wasn't a new situation for the Granger-Malfoy family but it still hurt knowing that Hermione wouldn't be with her husband on the national day of love. The Evergreen Game by RavenpuffLove. Then, Hermione -and a few others, set Draco on him and things start developing in a direction neither really expected. Esteemed Minister of Magic, Harry Potter, makes daily visits to Azkaban in order to punish a very important prisoner. "subtraxerim utilium!" Healer Hermione fixes Draco/helps heal him. fics i have read to give a better idea. Kim Possible is an animated action-adventure show about, If you are looking for The 100 fanfiction thats some of the best, you are in the right place. 2022 All rights Reserved. Draco Malfoy abandoned the Wizarding World after the war, and no one has any recollection of a Hermione Granger. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Harry was allowed to go back in time due his status as a Master of Death (who knew?!) I can't remember the name or author but the fic was around Draco and Hermione going to Narcissa's and Andromeda's home for the holidays and they took care of Teddy while they were there. Ugh there was this really good one where she was sick and Ron and Harry were looking after her, it was HermionexHarry but I can't remember the mame. Before the start of his third year Harry meets Narcissa Malfoy this meeting will not only change his life but it will change the wizarding world. Having been a crucial figure in Harrys childrens lives, Hermione immediately knows the problem and has some tricks up her sleeve to solve it. "How did you get in?" Domestically speaking! Can the young couple possibly survive this particular happily ever after? Unexpected allys ensure her and the baby are cared for. Will they follow the rules and take care of their enemy, or leave him to fend for himself? "Sweet Merlin - get Pomfrey!". I love this one so much. A lot of people try to support Harry, but he is, as ever, hiding how truly bad things are going. ~ Drarr Draco Malfoy has been using the room of requirements to help him and well Harry Potter saw and may be able to help. When one duel brings Draco into a small child, what must the trio do? Omg Revert is incredible. Or, Draco can't sleep, is cold a lot and just wants to finish his last year of school in peace. The combination of timeless themes, If you are looking for the best Kim Possible fanfiction, then this is the post for you. Like Until the Ink Runs Dry, this one is shorter than most of the other ones on this list. Unfortunately, Harry doesn't like baths. A Child of Prophecy is born to pearents deceased. "Draco," he said. But upstairs, in the smallest bedroom, slept a very unordinary boy who was about to be responsible for a very, very extraordinary destiny. It bothers her, making her frustrated. If you would like to help, feel free to contact me). Severina spends the next years of her life raising her son and discovering her own family secrets. Thats cute, Granger. These dreams are said to last a month, according to the book he has on Veela and their mates. Hes also a widower. Id recommend reading the rest of the series after this one, though I think this one is the best. Follow their journey to see them find their own wonderland in the midst of the very war. A spell cast by a manipulative headmaster bonds Hermione Granger to four wizards and throws her life into chaos. He laughed. The Goddess of Magic has grown tired of the light and the dark trying to destroy one another to save magic she tied together two boys and only together can they restore balance that others try so desperately to destroy. Countless fans have hoped for a romance between Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter world. Who was it and why? basically hermione is either struggling mentally or physically (or both) and draco either ends up having to take care of her or chooses to take care of her, i guess all i want by senlinyu and the auction by Lovesbitca8 falls into this category as well but thats all i can think of off the top of my head, Idk if it fits but Wait and Hope comes into my mind, ooh ive read the entire collection from that fic! When Lady Malfoy finds none other than Heir Potter himself buying a certain selection of books, she decides that he may not be a lost cause. Severus is responsible of taking care of him. Though a Usurper has other intention. You get both Draco and Hermiones perspectives as they figure out who they are post-War. , . Harry gripped Snape's hand in his, just as the professor fell to the floor. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. And this might even turn into something more! 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